I will be working on this, and this will become my updated :weather and :google scripts, and so on, but before I do that I'd like some feedback from the gurus of the forums, any optimizations you can offer, ideas, cleanups, etc..
I realize my name is branded all over this, namespaces are a GOOD thing, feel free to find/replace my name if you use this. I wouldn't want somebody elses variables being mixed into my namespaces anyway.. which is the whole point of namespaces. =)
I've tried to code all the things people e-mail me about, at the moment this is missing flood protection & line wrapping, as I want to clean the ones I do use up considerably before I add them to this.. it has proxy support for the http requests, and uses an array for the parsed html data.
12/24/2008 - plans to update this thread in due time.