Hi, I downloaded and properly put the files in my script folder, but my question is, with sysinfo1.08.tcl, comes sysinfo278.10.pl
And in sysinfo278.10.pl, I don't understand what this part means. What nicks should I be using here? Or does it matter?
My IRC nick is: Kevin
My bots nick is: AdBot
# Specify your NIC interface name (eth0, rl0, fxp0, etc) and a name for it.
# Example: @nic = ('eth0', 'eth1');
# @nicname = ('External', 'Internal');
# NOTE: If you set one then you HAVE to set the other.
@nic = ('');
@nicname = ('');
The 'example' clearly states what you should use, NIC means Network Interface Card (PC Ethernet network card) and has nothing to do with nicknames on IRC.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.