Hi, i have a TCL i use, it gather info from game servers, then it paste the info out in a /msg to the user asking for server info, it working just fine, now to my problem. I wan the TCL to send me the IP of the players, now it sends ping/score/nick/map type/server address, somone that want to give it a shot? i send u the TCL if u think u can solve my problem..
It's made by a dude that quited internet, yes internet. and it's made with TCL, and some files name.c, i solve the TCL part, but dosent know s*t about *.c files.. i know how to compile and use them, but thats it. the TCL i rewrote, so it's 80% my "code"..
what you need to be done requires knowledge of specific APIs of that game server, and fixing C code; so your best bet is to post the code and APIs documentation in Modules & Programming forum and hope someone will bother with that
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