Anyhow, I try to make a script that will read certain messages (filter out from mainchat), and if it matches, copy a string from the message (not the whole message) and put it in a file. I think everything is done and working except that the script wont get any data when I try it in the real channel where parts of the message is colored. I have tried it myself with all black text and then it worked.
How should I specify the string that the script will look for?
"Thank you" is colored, and then it changes color to number 07. should it look like:
Code: Select all
bind pubm o "#channel *Thank you<\00307*" log:log
Code: Select all
bind pubm o "#channel *Thank you<07*" log:log
the same problem in this code:
Code: Select all
set checktext [string first "Points<\00315Filled:" $logging]