all servers support ISON command, and notify scripts typically use it periodically to check if certain nick(s) are on IRC
however, it's use is deprecated on servers which support WATCH server-side notify command (those that use DALnet's bahamut, EFnet's later versions of ircd-hybrid-7, every lamer's favourite Unreal, and maybe more that I'm not aware of); on such servers, you simply supply the nick(s) you need to be watched for as a parameter of WATCH and [bind raw] in order to be notified by the server upon those nick(s) sign-in or sign-off - no need of periodic polling with ISON
you can also [bind raw] to 005 and parse ISUPPORT server reply for WATCH support (as mIRC does and eggdrop should be doing)
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In fact I have a script where when user type "!whois nick" the eggdrop gives information on the nick.
It's possible with a raw, who reacts at the whois, to directly know if the nick is on the server??
That the eggdrop writes on the chan "nick isn't present on the server" , for example
a notify script on eggdrop is basically pointless (since you already have built-in notify in your irc client), unless used to grab a nick when it becomes available (jupe); anyway, here's how to use ISON:
bind raw - 303 foo
bind pub - !ison bar
proc bar {n u h c t} {
if {![info exists ::who]} {
set ::who $t
putserv "ison $t"
proc foo {f k t} {
set t [lrange [split $t] 1 e]
set t [string trimleft [join $t] :]
if {$t == ""} {set t offline} {set t online}
puthelp "privmsg #channel :$::who is $t"
unset ::who
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before asking for scripting help, read <this>