I am after a script to store the nicks of new arrivals to a chatroom, so that they can be helped. I have tried to script this myself but it is really not working and I am getting totally confused. I am not sure if this is particularly difficult, so could use the help of someone!
I would like the following abilities:
1. stores the nick and entry time when joins the channel in a to be helped list.
2. the ability of a person with a specific flag to pm the bot and move the nick to a helped list with time helped.
3. with a pm to the bot the list of nicks to be retrieved and messaged to the requesting person, splitting into needing help, and helped categories with times listed next to name.
4. when the person leaves nick is removed from the list
Other things if at all possible
5. if possible nick changes reflected in list
6. the ability to ignore nicks that have particular characters such as {} in their names.
7. the ability to ignore nicks that are all lower case, or at least first letter lower case.
Hopefully someone can help me out there, and I'd really appreciate it.
Instead of storing the nick into a file (with the join time) you can simply use the [getchanjoin] eggdrop Tcl command to see when the nick joined. Subtracting this time from [unixtime] returns (in seconds) how long the nick has been in the channel.