The following script is largely the next.tcl v2.0 written by mortician. I have removed all the stuff I don't need and rewritten stuff in it to get it to work how I need it to. What the script does is records nicks on join, and then enables helpers to help each person, removing them off the list, so marking them served.
Okay I have tried to get it to accept pm's for the commands, primarily the ones I need are !list, !served <nick> and !getlist. But what I have tried just doesn't seem to work. My tcl knowledge is mainly based on modifying existing scripts, so how do I get it to do this!
in addition in join, rehash and getlist etc I know how to exclude it listing ops or particular users with flags, but I want it to also exclude nicks that have {} in them or are all in lower case. from being listed. How do I do that?
The script works, only with public commands. Here is the script:
Code: Select all
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# ______________________________________
# | |
# | served v1.0 by Amarth |
# | email: |
# | |
# | original script next v2.0 |
# | by mortician |
# | IRC: - #mortician |
# | email: |
# | www: |
# |______________________________________|
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Commands
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public Commands:
# --> /msg <botnick> verify <nick/handle>
# Trainee Commands:
# --> /msg <botnick> auth <pass>
# --> /msg <botnick> deauth
# Regular Helper Commands:
# --> !list = notices you the list
# --> !done = notices you the list
# --> !served <nick> = remove <nick> from the list
# --> !put <nick> = puts <nick> into the list
# --> !getlist = rebuild the list
# --> /msg <botnick> add <nick> <option>
# --> /msg <botnick> del <nick>
# = removes <nick> from the bots userlist
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# History
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# September 2005 v1.0 - created from the original script next.tcl v2.0
# by mortician
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# you have to change these
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# The channel you will use this:
set next(chan) "#channelname"
# the char that marks public commands (!next, etc...)
set next(char) "!"
# automatic rebuild the offer list
# users on the channel after a rehash? (1/0)
set next(rehash) "1"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Don't cross this line unless you feel prepared to code
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
set next(list) {}
set next(chan) [string tolower $next(chan)]
set next(num2name) "none helper {helper2} {helper3} helper4 Owner"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# auth/deauth ... based on multi 3.3 by OUTsider
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
bind msg - auth next.msg:auth
bind msg - deauth next.msg:deauth
proc next.msg:auth {nick uhost hand rest} {
global botnick
set pw [lindex $rest 0]
set op [lindex $rest 1]
if {$pw == ""} {
putnotc $nick "Usage: /msg $botnick auth <password> \[recover\]"
return 0 }
if {[matchattr $hand Q]} {
if {[string tolower $op] == "recover"} {
if {[passwdok $hand $pw]} {
setuser $hand XTRA SECNICK $nick
setuser $hand XTRA SECHOST $uhost
putnotc $nick "New Identity confirmed. Recover Successful" }
if {![passwdok $hand $pw]} {
putnotc $nick "Wrong password. Recover failed !"
return 0 }
return 0 }
putnotc $nick "You are already Authenticated."
putnotc $nick "Nick: [getuser $hand XTRA SECNICK]"
putnotc $nick "Host: [getuser $hand XTRA SECHOST]"
putnotc $nick "Try to login with /msg $botnick auth <pass> recover"
return 0 }
if {[passwdok $hand $pw] == 1} {
chattr $hand +Q
putnotc $nick "Authentication successful!"
setuser $hand XTRA SECNICK $nick
setuser $hand XTRA SECHOST $uhost }
if {[passwdok $hand $pw] == 0} {
putnotc $nick "Authentication failed!" }}
proc next.msg:deauth {nick uhost hand rest} {
if {[getuser $hand XTRA SECNICK] == $nick} {
chattr $hand -Q
setuser $hand XTRA SECNICK $nick
setuser $hand XTRA SECHOST $nick
putnotc $nick "DeAuthentication successful!" }}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# procs
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
proc next.check:authed {nick host hand} {
global botnick
if {![matchattr $hand +Q]} {
putnotc $nick "You are not authenticated."
putnotc $nick "Please do so with /msg $botnick auth <password>."
return 0}
if {[getuser $hand XTRA SECNICK] != $nick} {
putnotc $nick "Sorry. But I think I missed one of your nickchanges"
return 0}
if {[getuser $hand XTRA SECHOST] != $host} {
putnotc $nick "Sorry. But you don't have the correct host right now."
return 0}
return 1}
proc next.addflags {handle level} {
global next
switch $level {
4 { chattr $handle +h|+fvJ $next(chan); return 1 }
3 { chattr $handle +h|+fvM $next(chan); return 1 }
2 { chattr $handle +h|+fvL $next(chan); return 1 }
1 { chattr $handle +h|+fgvK $next(chan); return 1 }
proc next.getlevel {handle} {
global next
if {[matchattr $handle n|n $next(chan)]} { return 5
} elseif {[matchattr $handle J|J $next(chan)]} { return 4
} elseif {[matchattr $handle M|M $next(chan)]} { return 3
} elseif {[matchattr $handle L|L $next(chan)]} { return 2
} elseif {[matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return 1
} else { return 0 }
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# mode handlers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#### join / rejoin
proc next.add {nick uhost handle chan} {
global botnick next
if {$nick == $botnick | $nick == "Warrior" || [string tolower $chan] != $next(chan) || [matchattr $handle g|g $next(chan)] || [matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return }
lappend next(list) $nick
set num [lsearch -exact $next(list) $nick]
incr num
#### part & sign
proc next.purge {nick uhost handle chan msg} {
global botnick next
if {$nick == $botnick || $nick == "Warrior" || [string tolower $chan] != $next(chan) || [matchattr $handle g|g $next(chan)] || [matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return }
set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) $nick]
if {$index >= 0} {
set next(list) [lreplace $next(list) $index $index ]
} else { return }
#### nick
proc next.replace {nick uhost handle chan newnick} {
global botnick next
if {$nick == $botnick || $nick == "Warrior" || [string tolower $chan] != $next(chan) || [matchattr $handle g|g $next(chan)] || [matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return }
set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) $nick]
if {$index >= 0} {
set next(list) [lreplace $next(list) $index $index $newnick]
} else { return }
#### split
proc next.splt {nick uhost handle chan} {
global botnick next
if {$nick == $botnick || $nick == "Warrior" || [string tolower $chan] != $next(chan) || [matchattr $handle g|g $next(chan)] || [matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return }
set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) $nick]
set next(list) [lreplace $next(list) $index $index ]
#### rehash
proc next.rehash {type} {
global botnick next
if {$next(rehash) && [botonchan $next(chan)]} {
set llength [llength $next(list)]
foreach user [chanlist $next(chan)] {
if {![isvoice $user $next(chan)] && [onchan $user $next(chan)] && $user != $botnick && $user != "Warrior" && ![matchattr [nick2hand $user $next(chan)] K $next(chan)] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $user $next(chan)] g $next(chan)]} {
set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) [lindex $user 0]]
if {$index < 0} {
set next(list) [linsert $next(list) $llength $user ]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Regular command handlers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#### list
proc {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
global next
if {[string tolower $chan] != $next(chan)} { return 0 }
if {[next.getlevel $handle] >= 1} {
if {$next(list) == ""} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :there are no Free requiring service."
return }
putserv "NOTICE $nick :The following are waiting to be offered, type \002!served <nick>\002 once you have offered: $next(list)"; return
} else { return 0 }
#### put
proc {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
global botnick next
if {[string tolower $chan] != $next(chan)} { return 0 }
if {[next.getlevel $handle] >= 1} {
if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == ""} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :usage: .put <nick>"
return }
if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == $botnick} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :this girl does not understand you?"
return }
if {[onchan [lindex [split $arg] 0] $next(chan)]} {lappend next(list) [lrange $arg 0 end]
putserv "NOTICE $nick :[lindex [split $arg] 0] has been added to the offer list."
return }
putserv "NOTICE $nick :[lindex [split $arg] 0] isn't in $next(chan)"
} else { return }
#### served
proc {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
global botnick next
if {[string tolower $chan] != $next(chan)} { return 0 }
if {[next.getlevel $handle] >= 1} {
if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == ""} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002Usage:\002 served <nick>"
if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == $botnick} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :this girl does not understand you?"
set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) [lindex [split $arg] 0]]; set next(list) [lreplace $next(list) $index $index ]
putserv "NOTICE $nick :[lindex [split $arg] 0] has been removed from the offer list."
} else { return }
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Channel Op command handlers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
bind pub - ${next(char)}op
#### getlist
proc {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
global botnick next
if {[string tolower $chan] != $next(chan)} { return 0 }
if {[next.getlevel $handle] >= 2} {
set llength [llength $next(list)]
foreach user [chanlist $chan] {
if {![isvoice $user $chan] && [onchan $user $chan] && $user != $botnick && $user != "Warrior" && ![matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] K] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] g]} {
set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) [lindex $user 0]]
if {$index < 0} {
set next(list) [linsert $next(list) $llength $user ]
if {$next(list) == ""} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :No Free to be added. Offer list is empty"
} else {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002offer list completed\002. ( $next(list) )"
} else { return }
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Admin command handlers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
bind msg m|m add next.msg:add
bind msg m|m del next.msg:del
#### add
proc next.msg:add {nick uhost handle arg} {
global next botnick
if {![next.check:authed $nick $uhost $handle]} { return 0 }
set who [lindex [split $arg] 0]
set lvl [lindex [split $arg] 1]
if {$who == "" || $lvl == ""} {putnotc $nick "Usage: /msg $botnick add <nick> <level>"; return 0}
if {![onchan $who $next(chan)]} { putnotc $nick "Sorry, but I can't find $who on $next(chan)"; return 0 }
if {[nick2hand $who $next(chan)] != "" && [nick2hand $who $next(chan)] != "*"} {
putnotc $nick "$who is already known in the bot as [nick2hand $who $next(chan)], level [lindex $next(num2name) [next.getlevel $who]]"
if {[next.getlevel $who] < 4} {
if {$lvl == 4 || $lvl == 3 || $lvl == 2 || $lvl == 1} {
next.addflags $who $lvl
putnotc $nick "Added\002 $who \002as a\002 [lindex $next(num2name) $lvl] \002in $next(chan) to the bot."
putnotc $who "You have been added as a\002 [lindex $next(num2name) $lvl] \002in $next(chan) to the bot."
return 1
} else {
putnotc $nick "the option can be 1, 2, 3 or 4"
return 0
if {[validuser $who]} { putnotc $nick "I was unable to add $who to the userlist. There is already a user with that handle"; return 0}
if {$lvl == 1 || $lvl == 2 || $lvl == 3 || $lvl == 4} {
set host "[maskhost $who![getchanhost $who $next(chan)]]"
adduser $who $host
putnotc $who "You have been added to the bot. Please set your pass: type /msg $botnick pass <your_pass>"
putnotc $who "To authenticate, type /msg $botnick auth <password>"
next.addflags $who $lvl
putnotc $nick "Added\002 $who \002as a\002 [lindex $next(num2name) $lvl] \002in $next(chan) to the bot."
return 1
} else {
putnotc $nick "the option can be 1, 2, 3 or 4"
return 0
#### del
proc next.msg:del {nick uhost handle arg} {
global next botnick
if {![next.check:authed $nick $uhost $handle]} { return 0 }
set who [lindex [split $arg] 0]
if {$who == ""} {putnotc $nick "Usage: /msg $botnick del <nick>"; return 0}
if {![onchan $who $next(chan)]} {putnotc $nick "Sorry. But I can't find\002 $who \002on $next(chan)"; return 0}
if {[nick2hand $who $next(chan)] == "" || [nick2hand $who $next(chan)] == "*"} {
putnotc $nick "Sorry. But I can't find\002 $who \002 in the userlist"
return 0 }
if {[next.getlevel [nick2hand $who $next(chan)]] >= [next.getlevel [nick2hand $nick $next(chan)]]} {
putnotc $nick "Sorry. But you can't delete a user with an eqaul or higher level then yourself"
return 0 }
deluser [nick2hand $who $next(chan)]
putnotc $nick "Deleted\002 $who \002from the userlist"
proc next.status {arg} {
global next
switch $arg {
on {
bind join - * next.add
bind rejn - * next.add
bind part - * next.purge
bind sign - * next.purge
bind nick - * next.replace
bind splt - * next.splt
bind mode - *+v* next.voiced
bind mode - *+o* next.voiced
bind evnt - rehash next.rehash
bind pub - ${next(char)}helped
bind pub - ${next(char)}done
bind pub - ${next(char)}list
bind pub - ${next(char)}served
bind pub - ${next(char)}put
bind pub - ${next(char)}getlist
return 1}
off {
catch { unbind join - * next.add }
catch { unbind rejn - * next.add }
catch { unbind part - * next.purge }
catch { unbind sign - * next.purge }
catch { unbind nick - * next.replace }
catch { unbind splt - * next.splt }
catch { unbind mode - *+v* next.voiced }
catch { unbind mode - *+o* next.voiced }
catch { unbind evnt - rehash next.rehash }
catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}helped }
catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}done }
catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}list }
catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}served }
catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}put }
catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}getlist }
return 1}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# the end
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
next.status on
putlog ".served $next(version) by Amarth modified from a script by mortician loaded ..."