How do I get this to accept msged commands

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How do I get this to accept msged commands

Post by Amarth »

Hi All,

The following script is largely the next.tcl v2.0 written by mortician. I have removed all the stuff I don't need and rewritten stuff in it to get it to work how I need it to. What the script does is records nicks on join, and then enables helpers to help each person, removing them off the list, so marking them served.

Okay I have tried to get it to accept pm's for the commands, primarily the ones I need are !list, !served <nick> and !getlist. But what I have tried just doesn't seem to work. My tcl knowledge is mainly based on modifying existing scripts, so how do I get it to do this!

in addition in join, rehash and getlist etc I know how to exclude it listing ops or particular users with flags, but I want it to also exclude nicks that have {} in them or are all in lower case. from being listed. How do I do that?

The script works, only with public commands. Here is the script:

Code: Select all

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#              ______________________________________
#             |                                      |
#             | served v1.0 by Amarth                |
#             | email:          |
#             |                                      |
#             | original script next v2.0            |
#             |   by mortician                       |
#             | IRC: - #mortician |
#             | email:            |
#             | www:              |
#             |______________________________________|
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Commands
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public Commands:
#   --> /msg <botnick> verify <nick/handle>
# Trainee Commands:
#   --> /msg <botnick> auth <pass>
#   --> /msg <botnick> deauth
# Regular Helper Commands:
#   --> !list              = notices you the list
#   --> !done              = notices you the list
#   --> !served <nick>     = remove <nick> from the list
#   --> !put <nick>        = puts <nick> into the list
#   --> !getlist           = rebuild the list
#   --> /msg <botnick> add <nick> <option>
#   --> /msg <botnick> del <nick>
#             = removes <nick> from the bots userlist
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# History
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# September 2005 v1.0 - created from the original script next.tcl v2.0
#                       by mortician
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# you have to change these
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

	# The channel you will use this:
set next(chan) "#channelname"
	# the char that marks public commands (!next, etc...)
set next(char) "!"
	# automatic rebuild the offer list
	# users on the channel after a rehash? (1/0)
set next(rehash) "1"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Don't cross this line unless you feel prepared to code
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
set next(list) {}
set next(chan) [string tolower $next(chan)]
set next(num2name) "none helper {helper2} {helper3} helper4 Owner"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# auth/deauth ... based on multi 3.3 by OUTsider
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
bind msg - auth next.msg:auth
bind msg - deauth next.msg:deauth
proc next.msg:auth {nick uhost hand rest} {
  global botnick
  set pw [lindex $rest 0]
  set op [lindex $rest 1]
  if {$pw == ""} {
  putnotc $nick "Usage: /msg $botnick auth <password> \[recover\]"
  return 0 }
  if {[matchattr $hand Q]} {
  if {[string tolower $op] == "recover"} {
  if {[passwdok $hand $pw]} {
  setuser $hand XTRA SECNICK $nick
  setuser $hand XTRA SECHOST $uhost
  putnotc $nick "New Identity confirmed. Recover Successful" }
  if {![passwdok $hand $pw]} {
  putnotc $nick "Wrong password. Recover failed !"
  return 0 }
  return 0 }
  putnotc $nick "You are already Authenticated."
  putnotc $nick "Nick: [getuser $hand XTRA SECNICK]"
  putnotc $nick "Host: [getuser $hand XTRA SECHOST]"
  putnotc $nick "Try to login with /msg $botnick auth <pass> recover"
  return 0 }
  if {[passwdok $hand $pw] == 1} {
  chattr $hand +Q
  putnotc $nick "Authentication successful!"
  setuser $hand XTRA SECNICK $nick
  setuser $hand XTRA SECHOST $uhost }
  if {[passwdok $hand $pw] == 0} {
  putnotc $nick "Authentication failed!" }}

proc next.msg:deauth {nick uhost hand rest} {
  if {[getuser $hand XTRA SECNICK] == $nick} {
  chattr $hand -Q
  setuser $hand XTRA SECNICK $nick
  setuser $hand XTRA SECHOST $nick
  putnotc $nick "DeAuthentication successful!" }}

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# procs
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
proc next.check:authed {nick host hand} {
  global botnick
  if {![matchattr $hand +Q]} {
  putnotc $nick "You are not authenticated."
  putnotc $nick "Please do so with /msg $botnick auth <password>."
  return 0}
  if {[getuser $hand XTRA SECNICK] != $nick} {
  putnotc $nick "Sorry. But I think I missed one of your nickchanges"
  return 0}
  if {[getuser $hand XTRA SECHOST] != $host} {
  putnotc $nick "Sorry. But you don't have the correct host right now."
  return 0}
  return 1}

proc next.addflags {handle level} {
  global next
  switch $level {
  4 { chattr $handle +h|+fvJ $next(chan); return 1 }
  3 { chattr $handle +h|+fvM $next(chan); return 1 }
  2 { chattr $handle +h|+fvL $next(chan); return 1 }
  1 { chattr $handle +h|+fgvK $next(chan); return 1 }

proc next.getlevel {handle} {
  global next
  if {[matchattr $handle n|n $next(chan)]} { return 5
  } elseif {[matchattr $handle J|J $next(chan)]} { return 4
  } elseif {[matchattr $handle M|M $next(chan)]} { return 3
  } elseif {[matchattr $handle L|L $next(chan)]} { return 2
  } elseif {[matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return 1
  } else { return 0 }

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# mode handlers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#### join / rejoin
proc next.add {nick uhost handle chan} {
	global botnick next
	if {$nick == $botnick | $nick == "Warrior" || [string tolower $chan] != $next(chan) || [matchattr $handle g|g $next(chan)] || [matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return }
	lappend next(list) $nick
	set num [lsearch -exact $next(list) $nick]
	incr num
#### part & sign
proc next.purge {nick uhost handle chan msg} {
	global botnick next
	if {$nick == $botnick || $nick == "Warrior" || [string tolower $chan] != $next(chan) || [matchattr $handle g|g $next(chan)] || [matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return }
	set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) $nick]
	if {$index >= 0} {
	set next(list) [lreplace $next(list) $index $index ]
	} else { return }
#### nick
proc next.replace {nick uhost handle chan newnick} {
	global botnick next
	if {$nick == $botnick || $nick == "Warrior" || [string tolower $chan] != $next(chan) || [matchattr $handle g|g $next(chan)] || [matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return }
	set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) $nick]
	if {$index >= 0} {
	set next(list) [lreplace $next(list) $index $index $newnick]
	} else { return }
#### split
proc next.splt {nick uhost handle chan} { 
	global botnick next
	if {$nick == $botnick || $nick == "Warrior" || [string tolower $chan] != $next(chan) || [matchattr $handle g|g $next(chan)] || [matchattr $handle K|K $next(chan)]} { return }
	set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) $nick]
	set next(list) [lreplace $next(list) $index $index ]
#### rehash
proc next.rehash {type} {
	global botnick next
	if {$next(rehash) && [botonchan $next(chan)]} {
	set llength [llength $next(list)]
	foreach user [chanlist $next(chan)] {
		if {![isvoice $user $next(chan)] && [onchan $user $next(chan)] && $user != $botnick && $user != "Warrior" && ![matchattr [nick2hand $user $next(chan)] K $next(chan)] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $user $next(chan)] g $next(chan)]} {
			set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) [lindex $user 0]]
			if {$index < 0} {
			set next(list) [linsert $next(list) $llength $user ]

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Regular command handlers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#### list
proc {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
	global next
	if {[string tolower $chan] != $next(chan)} { return 0 }
	if {[next.getlevel $handle] >= 1} {
	if {$next(list) == ""} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :there are no Free requiring service."
	return }
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :The following are waiting to be offered, type \002!served <nick>\002 once you have offered: $next(list)"; return
	} else { return 0 }
#### put
proc {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
	global botnick next
	if {[string tolower $chan] != $next(chan)} { return 0 }
	if {[next.getlevel $handle] >= 1} {
	if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == ""} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :usage: .put <nick>"
	return }
	if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == $botnick} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :this girl does not understand you?"
	return }
	if {[onchan [lindex [split $arg] 0] $next(chan)]} {lappend next(list) [lrange $arg 0 end]
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :[lindex [split $arg] 0] has been added to the offer list."
	return }
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :[lindex [split $arg] 0] isn't in $next(chan)"
	} else { return }
#### served
proc {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
	global botnick next
	if {[string tolower $chan] != $next(chan)} { return 0 }
	if {[next.getlevel $handle] >= 1} {
	if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == ""} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002Usage:\002 served <nick>"
	if {[lindex [split $arg] 0] == $botnick} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :this girl does not understand you?"
	set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) [lindex [split $arg] 0]]; set next(list) [lreplace $next(list) $index $index ]
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :[lindex [split $arg] 0] has been removed from the offer list."
	} else { return }

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Channel Op command handlers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
bind pub - ${next(char)}op
#### getlist
proc {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
	global botnick next
	if {[string tolower $chan] != $next(chan)} { return 0 }
	if {[next.getlevel $handle] >= 2} {
	set llength [llength $next(list)]
	foreach user [chanlist $chan] {
		if {![isvoice $user $chan] && [onchan $user $chan] && $user != $botnick && $user != "Warrior" && ![matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] K] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] g]} {
			set index [lsearch -exact $next(list) [lindex $user 0]]
			if {$index < 0} {
			set next(list) [linsert $next(list) $llength $user ]
	if {$next(list) == ""} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :No Free to be added. Offer list is empty"
	} else {
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002offer list completed\002. ( $next(list) )"
	} else { return }

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Admin command handlers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
bind msg m|m add next.msg:add
bind msg m|m del next.msg:del
#### add
proc next.msg:add {nick uhost handle arg} {
global next botnick
	if {![next.check:authed $nick $uhost $handle]} { return 0 }
	set who [lindex [split $arg] 0]
	set lvl [lindex [split $arg] 1]
	if {$who == "" || $lvl == ""} {putnotc $nick "Usage: /msg $botnick add <nick> <level>"; return 0}
	if {![onchan $who $next(chan)]} { putnotc $nick "Sorry, but I can't find $who on $next(chan)"; return 0 }
	if {[nick2hand $who $next(chan)] != "" && [nick2hand $who $next(chan)] != "*"} {
	  putnotc $nick "$who is already known in the bot as [nick2hand $who $next(chan)], level [lindex $next(num2name) [next.getlevel $who]]"
	  if {[next.getlevel $who] < 4} {
	    if {$lvl == 4 || $lvl == 3 || $lvl == 2 || $lvl == 1} {
	      next.addflags $who $lvl
	      putnotc $nick "Added\002 $who \002as a\002 [lindex $next(num2name) $lvl] \002in $next(chan) to the bot."
	      putnotc $who "You have been added as a\002 [lindex $next(num2name) $lvl] \002in $next(chan) to the bot."
	      return 1
	    } else {
	      putnotc $nick "the option can be 1, 2, 3 or 4"
	      return 0
	if {[validuser $who]} { putnotc $nick "I was unable to add $who to the userlist. There is already a user with that handle"; return 0}
	if {$lvl == 1 || $lvl == 2 || $lvl == 3 || $lvl == 4} {
	    set host "[maskhost $who![getchanhost $who $next(chan)]]"
	    adduser $who $host
	    putnotc $who "You have been added to the bot. Please set your pass: type /msg $botnick pass <your_pass>"
	    putnotc $who "To authenticate, type /msg $botnick auth <password>"
	    next.addflags $who $lvl
	    putnotc $nick "Added\002 $who \002as a\002 [lindex $next(num2name) $lvl] \002in $next(chan) to the bot."
	    return 1
	} else {
	    putnotc $nick "the option can be 1, 2, 3 or 4"
	    return 0
#### del
proc next.msg:del {nick uhost handle arg} {
global next botnick
  if {![next.check:authed $nick $uhost $handle]} { return 0 }
  set who [lindex [split $arg] 0]
  if {$who == ""} {putnotc $nick "Usage: /msg $botnick del <nick>"; return 0}
  if {![onchan $who $next(chan)]} {putnotc $nick "Sorry. But I can't find\002 $who \002on $next(chan)"; return 0}
  if {[nick2hand $who $next(chan)] == "" || [nick2hand $who $next(chan)] == "*"} {
  	putnotc $nick "Sorry. But I can't find\002 $who \002 in the userlist"
  return 0 }
  if {[next.getlevel [nick2hand $who $next(chan)]] >= [next.getlevel [nick2hand $nick $next(chan)]]} {
  	putnotc $nick "Sorry. But you can't delete a user with an eqaul or higher level then yourself"
  return 0 }
  deluser [nick2hand $who $next(chan)]
  putnotc $nick "Deleted\002 $who \002from the userlist"

proc next.status {arg} {
global next
  switch $arg {
	on {
		bind join - * next.add
		bind rejn - * next.add
		bind part - * next.purge
		bind sign - * next.purge
		bind nick - * next.replace
		bind splt - * next.splt
		bind mode - *+v* next.voiced
		bind mode - *+o* next.voiced
		bind evnt - rehash next.rehash

		bind pub - ${next(char)}helped
		bind pub - ${next(char)}done
		bind pub - ${next(char)}list
		bind pub - ${next(char)}served
		bind pub - ${next(char)}put
		bind pub - ${next(char)}getlist
	return 1}
	off {
		catch { unbind join - * next.add }
		catch { unbind rejn - * next.add }
		catch { unbind part - * next.purge }
		catch { unbind sign - * next.purge }
		catch { unbind nick - * next.replace }
		catch { unbind splt - * next.splt }
		catch { unbind mode - *+v* next.voiced }
		catch { unbind mode - *+o* next.voiced }
		catch { unbind evnt - rehash next.rehash }

		catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}helped }
		catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}done }
		catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}list }
		catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}served }
		catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}put }
		catch { unbind pub - ${next(char)}getlist }
	return 1}

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# the end
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
next.status on
putlog ".served $next(version) by Amarth modified from a script by mortician loaded ..." 
I'd really appreciate any help that anyone could give Me!
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De Kus
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Re: How do I get this to accept msged commands

Post by De Kus »

Amarth wrote:2.
in addition in join, rehash and getlist etc I know how to exclude it listing ops or particular users with flags, but I want it to also exclude nicks that have {} in them or are all in lower case. from being listed. How do I do that?
okay, the easy one first:
[string match {*[{}]*} $nick] will return 1 if the nick contains braces
[string is lower $ick] will return 1 if the nick only contains lowercase characters, but will be 0 if it contains any non alphabetical characters, so you might want this one:
[string match {*[A-Z]*} $nick] will return 1 if the nick contains any uppercase character
just put them the conditions before you add them in a logical expression :D.
Amarth wrote:1.
Okay I have tried to get it to accept pm's for the commands, primarily the ones I need are !list, !served <nick> and !getlist. But what I have tried just doesn't seem to work. My tcl knowledge is mainly based on modifying existing scripts, so how do I get it to do this!
It seems you deleted the "bind" commands to link the procs with the outworld. Please remeber to remove "chan" from the argument list and check the proc if it doesnt require $chan, if you move a proc from pub to msg bind.
De Kus
StarZ|De_Kus, De_Kus or DeKus on IRC
Copyright © 2005-2009 by De Kus - published under The MIT License
Love hurts, love strengthens...
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:03 am

Post by Amarth »

Excellent, thanks heaps for your help! Funny how a simple thing can be the most annoying to work out!
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

ah sorry, just saw the binds are there, they will just only be activated if the the script has been enabled @_o.
De Kus
StarZ|De_Kus, De_Kus or DeKus on IRC
Copyright © 2005-2009 by De Kus - published under The MIT License
Love hurts, love strengthens...