answer1:if i have bind join - * proc1
do nicks rejoining from a split activate proc1?
Your proc1 will be activated whenever a user joins a channel. It doesn't have to be from a split, it can be a normal join as well. It will also trigger when the bot joins a channel itself.
by awyeah.
my script was messing up on split rejoins which makes the first answer more accurate, BUT it's not logical to have rejn and join triggered by the same event (someone rejoining from a split) which makes answer 2 more, [bind join] will not be triggered by rejoining from a split, so you can safely forget about that, it's not a problem
by demond
i ended up adding the following INSIDE the proc bound to join
Code: Select all
bind rejn - * {
if {$halt_protection($zchan) == 1} { return 0}
putlog "\[SaP-PROT\] Channel $zchan returning from split - halting protection for 5 seconds."
set halt_protection($zchan) 1
utimer 5 {
putlog "\[SaP-PROT\] Protection re-initiated on $zchan."
set halt_protection($zchan) 0
return -code
i created a new version of my script (join flood) that doesn't rely on timers , but on getchanjoin instead and i still didn't test it with the splits. i am afraid that the excess timers where causing the script to mess up, so i got rid of them.