I just saw today that my whole botnet is useless again a Massdeop
It was just a test so i did not lost any channel ... but how can i protect my channels ?
Im using the netbots.tcl v4.10
is there a botnet script for that protection ? or any setting i need to set ?
But all users and bots where deopped in just one sec.... never saw this on efnet
mdeop in my opinion is a stupid command that should be removed. No user, let alone an eggdrop, can do much to prevent anything happening once mdeop is used apart from proper channel settings/security.
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there is no such thing as massdeop protection; once an enemy (or rogue chanop) has ops, either because of your own stupidity or your shell account being hacked, you stand no chance and your channel will be taken over
you still might have a chance if you maintain a huge botnet (40+ bots), optimized for response time (people used to do that a while ago); even then however, all bets are off if the enemy has botnet too, which would normally be using some optimized distributed mass(de)op script
nowadays this is no longer necessary - there is ChanFix, which will reverse any takeover by deoping ops with no score for that channel in its database and oping users with top op scores (i.e. those who have had ops in recent weeks); check out EFnet's website for more info on that
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>
But chanfix will only kick in, when everyone is deopped.
In this case there was just on person Opped so no chanfix kicked in.
Or do you mean i have to call them manually ?
#chanfix @Efnet