I need some help with getting some text from a string.
Don´t know if regexp´s is the way to do it, anyways.
I have this line:
Code: Select all
caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages.<br><font color=#008000>www.<b>google</b>.com/ - 3k - 7 nov 2005 - </font><nobr> <a class=fl href="">Cachad</a> - <a class=fl href="/search?hl=sv&lr=&q=related:www.google.com/">Liknande sidor</a></nobr></font> <blockquote class=g><p class=g><a href="http://www.google.com/search">www.google.com/search</a><br><font size=-1><s
Code: Select all
caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages.
Code: Select all
caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages.<br><font color=#008000>www.<b>google</b>.com/ - 3k - 7 nov 2005 - </font>
and to get all text between <font color=#008000> and </font> into $url then remove the <b>and </b> tags.
problem is i don´t know anything about regular expressions so i have no idea on how to get on with this.
any help is much appriciated.