Is there a way for eggdrop to get the irc name (Real Name) of a user as shown in their info? Basically i have a user who keep opping a bot that he owns. It happens to be a protection bot, which shares his hostname, and nickname. The only difference between them is the IRC Name.
If i ask nickserv i can get this:
[11:08:55] -> -nickserv- info Natsuki-Chan
[11:08:58] Private: -NickServ- Natsuki-Chan is Natsuki - Owned by Weirdo
Where it gives <nick> is <irc name> on the first line.
I'm not sure if it will be the same on your network, but on IRCnet and probably all other similiar ircds you can get irc name by doing WHOIS on that user. You'll have something like this as an answer to 'WHOIS B':
" 311 A B arcain * :Grabowski Krzysztof"
Last argument, after ':' is an irc name. All you have to do is to WHOIS that user and bind raw on 311 reply, then parse receiver data properly.