Code: Select all
set fx_debug 0
set fx_chans "*"
set fx_command "@rate"
set fx_search "@symbol"
set fx_flags "-|-"
# exempt from flood and can use commands on _any_ channel
set fx_exempt "n|n"
# number:seconds:disable
set fx_flood 5:20:120
set fx_maxresults 5
# %nick %mkttime %fromresult %fromsymbol %toresult %tosymbol %exrate %extime %timezone
set fx_format {
"%nick: %fromresult (%fromsymbol) = %toresult (%tosymbol) \[Rate: %exrate at %extime %timezone\] \[Updated: %mkttime\]"
set fx_timezone "SGT"
set fx_symbols {
{AFA {Afghanistan Afghani}}
{ALL {Albanian Lek}}
{DZD {Algerian Dinar}}
{ADF {Andorran Franc}}
{ADP {Andorran Peseta}}
{ARS {Argentine Peso}}
{AWG {Aruba Florin}}
{AUD {Australian Dollar}}
{ATS {Austrian Schilling}}
{BSD {Bahamian Dollar}}
{BHD {Bahraini Dinar}}
{BDT {Bangladesh Taka}}
{BBD {Barbados Dollar}}
{BEF {Belgian Franc}}
{BZD {Belize Dollar}}
{BMD {Bermuda Dollar}}
{BTN {Bhutan Ngultrum}}
{BOB {Bolivian Boliviano}}
{BWP {Botswana Pula}}
{BRL {Brazilian Real}}
{GBP {British Pound}}
{BND {Brunei Dollar}}
{BIF {Burundi Franc}}
{KHR {Cambodia Riel}}
{CAD {Canadian Dollar}}
{KYD {Cayman Islands Dollar}}
{CLP {Chilean Peso}}
{CNY {Chinese Yuan}}
{COP {Colombian Peso}}
{KMF {Comoros Franc}}
{CRC {Costa Rica Colon}}
{HRK {Croatian Kuna}}
{CYP {Cyprus Pound}}
{CUP {Cuban Peso}}
{CZK {Czech Koruna}}
{DKK {Danish Krone}}
{DOP {Dominican Peso}}
{NLG {Dutch Guilder}}
{XCD {East Caribbean Dollar}}
{ECS {Ecuadorian Sucre}}
{EGP {Egyptian Pound}}
{SVC {El Salvador Colon}}
{EEK {Estonian Kroon}}
{EUR {Euro}}
{ETB {Ethiopian Birr}}
{FKP {Falkland Islands Pound}}
{FJD {Fiji Dollar}}
{FIM {Finnish Mark}}
{FRF {French Franc}}
{GMD {Gambian Dalasi}}
{DEM {German Mark}}
{GHC {Ghanian Cedi}}
{GIP {Gibraltar Pound}}
{XAU {Gold Ounces}}
{GRD {Greek Drachma}}
{GTQ {Guatemala Quetzal}}
{GNF {Guinea Franc}}
{GYD {Guyana Dollar}}
{HTG {Haiti Gourde}}
{HNL {Honduras Lempira}}
{HKD {Hong Kong Dollar}}
{HUF {Hungarian Forint}}
{ISK {Iceland Krona}}
{IDR {Indonesian Rupiah}}
{INR {Indian Rupee}}
{IRD {Iragi Dinar}}
{IEP {Irish Punt}}
{ILS {Israeli Shekel}}
{ITL {Italian Lira .L}}
{JPY {Japanese Yen}}
{JMD {Jamaican Dollar}}
{JOD {Jordanian Dinar}}
{KZT {Kazakhstan Tenge}}
{KES {Kenyan Shilling}}
{KRW {Korean Won}}
{KWD {Kuwaiti Dinar}}
{LBP {Lebanese Pound}}
{LRD {Liberian Dollar}}
{LYD {Libyan Dinar}}
{LUF {Luxembourg Franc}}
{MOP {Macau Pataca}}
{MYR {Malaysian Ringgit}}
{MVR {Maldives Rufiyaa}}
{MUR {Mauritius Rupee}}
{MXN {Mexican Nuevo Peso}}
{MNT {Mongolian Tugrik}}
{MAD {Moroccan Dirham}}
{MZM {Mozambique Metical}}
{MMK {Myanmar Kyat}}
{NAD {Namibian Dollar}}
{NZD {New Zealand Dollar}}
{NPR {Nepalese Rupee}}
{NIO {Nicaragua Cordoba}}
{KPW {North Korean Won}}
{NOK {Norwegian Krone}}
{OMR {Omani Rial}}
{PKR {Pakistani Rupee}}
{PAB {Panama Balboa}}
{PGK {Papua New Guinea Kina}}
{PYG {Paraguayan Guarani}}
{XPT {Platinum Ounces}}
{PHP {Philippine Peso}}
{PTE {Portuguese Escudo}}
{QAR {Qatar Rial}}
{RUB {Russian Rouble}}
{SOS {Somali Shilling}}
{ZAR {South African Rand}}
{LKR {Sri Lanka Rupee}}
{XAG {Silver Ounces}}
{SGD {Singapore Dollar}}
{ESP {Spanish Peseta}}
{SDD {Sudanese Dinar}}
{SRG {Surinam Guilder}}
{SEK {Swedish Krona}}
{CHF {Swiss Franc}}
{TWD {Taiwan Dollar}}
{THB {Thai Baht}}
{TND {Tunisian Dinar}}
{TRL {Turkish Lira}}
{USD {U.S. Dollar}}
{UYU {Uruguayan New Peso}}
{UGX {Ugandan Shilling}}
{UAH {Ukraine Hryvnia}}
{VND {Vietnam Dong}}
{VEB {Venezuelan Bolivar}}
{YUM {Yogoslav Dinar}}
{ZMK {Zambian Kwacha}}
{ZWD {Zimbabwe Dollar}}
# Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing.
if {[catch {package require http}]} {
putlog "forex: Error - could not find package 'http'. Script not loaded. Make sure you are running Tcl 8.0 or later."
proc fx_get {amount from to} {
global fx_debug
if {[catch {::http::geturl$amount&s=$from&t=$to} token]} {
return "noconnect"
set lines [split [::http::data $token] \n]
unset $token
if {$fx_debug} {
set wfile [open forex_debug.txt w]
puts -nonewline $wfile [join $lines \n]
close $wfile
if {[set firstline [lsearch -exact $lines "Conversion</font></b></big></td></tr></table>"]] != -1} {
set lines [lrange $lines $firstline end]
} else {
return {baddata firstline}
set line [lindex $lines 3]
set line [string range $line [expr [string first ">" $line] + 1] end]
set mkttime [string range $line 0 [expr [string first "<" $line] - 1]]
set line [lindex $lines 8]
set line [string range $line [expr [string first "</a></th><th>" $line] + 13] end]
set fromresult [string range $line 0 [expr [string first "<" $line] - 1]]
set line [string range $line [expr [string first "<th nowrap>" $line] + 11] end]
set extime [string range $line 0 [expr [string first "<" $line] - 1]]
set line [string range $line [expr [string first "</th><td>" $line] + 9] end]
set exrate [string range $line 0 [expr [string first "<" $line] - 1]]
set line [string range $line [expr [string first "</td><td><b>" $line] + 12] end]
set toresult [string range $line 0 [expr [string first "<" $line] - 1]]
if {$mkttime == ""} {
return {baddata mkttime}
if {$fromresult == ""} {
return {baddata fromresult}
if {$extime == ""} {
return {baddata extime}
if {$exrate == ""} {
return {baddata exrate}
if {$toresult == ""} {
return {baddata toresult}
return [list $mkttime $fromresult $toresult $exrate $extime]
proc fx_pubforex {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global fx_command fx_format fx_search fx_symbol fx_timezone
if {[fx_cmdcheck $hand $chan]} {return 0}
set splitarg [split $arg]
if {[llength $splitarg] >= 3} {
set amount [lindex $splitarg 0]
set from [string toupper [lindex $splitarg 1]]
set to [string toupper [lindex $splitarg 2]]
} else {
set amount 1
set from [string toupper [lindex $splitarg 0]]
set to [string toupper [lindex $splitarg 1]]
if {$amount == "" || $from == "" || $to == ""} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Usage: $fx_command \[amount\] <from currency> <to currency>"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :If no amount is specified, it will default to '1'. You must specify currency symbols (e.g. $fx_command 120 USD IND). To look up a symbol for a currency, type $fx_search <country name>"
return 0
if {[catch {expr abs($amount)}]} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$amount is not a numeric value."
return 0
if {[string length $amount] > 20} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Please limit the amount to 20 characters or less."
return 0
if {![info exists fx_symbol($from)]} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$from is not a valid currency symbol. To look up a symbol for a currency, type $fx_search <country name>"
return 0
if {![info exists fx_symbol($to)]} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$to is not a valid currency symbol. To look up a symbol for a currency, type $fx_search <country name>"
return 0
set results [fx_get $amount $from $to]
if {[lindex $results 0] == "noconnect"} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick: unable to connect to currency server."
return 0
} elseif {[lindex $results 0] == "baddata"} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick: bad data in '[lindex $results 1]' from currency server - please notify the bot admin."
return 0
foreach line $fx_format {
regsub -all -- "%nick" $line $nick line
regsub -all -- "%mkttime" $line [lindex $results 0] line
regsub -all -- "%fromresult" $line [lindex $results 1] line
regsub -all -- "%fromsymbol" $line $fx_symbol($from) line
regsub -all -- "%toresult" $line [lindex $results 2] line
regsub -all -- "%tosymbol" $line $fx_symbol($to) line
regsub -all -- "%exrate" $line [lindex $results 3] line
regsub -all -- "%extime" $line [lindex $results 4] line
regsub -all -- "%timezone" $line $fx_timezone line
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$line"
return 1
proc fx_pubsearch {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global fx_maxresults fx_search fx_symbol
if {[fx_cmdcheck $hand $chan]} {return 0}
if {$arg == ""} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Usage: $fx_search <search string>"
return 0
foreach symbol [array names fx_symbol] {
if {[string match *[string tolower $arg]* [string tolower $fx_symbol($symbol)]]} {
lappend results "$symbol $fx_symbol($symbol)"
if {[info exists results]} {
if {[llength $results] > $fx_maxresults} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Found [llength $results] result(s) for '$arg', displaying first $fx_maxresults"
} else {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Found [llength $results] result(s) for '$arg'"
foreach result [lrange $results 0 [expr $fx_maxresults - 1]] {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$result"
} else {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :No matches for '$arg'."
return 1
proc fx_cmdcheck {hand {chan ""}} {
global fx_chans fx_exempt fx_flood fx_flooded fx_floodqueue
if {$fx_flooded} {return 1}
if {$chan != ""} {
if {$fx_exempt != "" && [matchattr $hand $fx_exempt $chan]} {return 0}
if {[lsearch -exact $fx_chans [string tolower $chan]] == -1} {return 1}
} else {
if {$fx_exempt != "" && [matchattr $hand $fx_exempt]} {return 0}
incr fx_floodqueue
utimer [lindex $fx_flood 1] {incr fx_floodqueue -1}
if {$fx_floodqueue >= [lindex $fx_flood 0]} {
set fx_flooded 1
utimer [lindex $fx_flood 2] {set fx_flooded 0}
putlog "forex: Flooding detected - disabling commands for [lindex $fx_flood 2] seconds."
return 1
return 0
foreach fx_tempsymbol $fx_symbols {
set fx_symbol([lindex $fx_tempsymbol 0]) [lindex $fx_tempsymbol 1]
unset fx_symbols
set fx_chans [split [string tolower $fx_chans]]
set fx_flood [split $fx_flood :]
if {![info exists fx_flooded]} {
set fx_flooded 0
if {![info exists fx_floodqueue]} {
set fx_floodqueue 0
::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98)"
bind pub $fx_flags $fx_command fx_pubforex
bind pub $fx_flags $fx_search fx_pubsearch
if {![info exists nb_component([file tail [file rootname [info script]]])]} {
putlog "forex.tcl loaded"
return "nb_info 1.27.0"
bad data in 'firstline' from currency server - please notify the bot admin.
somebody can help me??