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Qstat + qstat map change notify

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Qstat + qstat map change notify

Post by nox » community

I use qstat + qstat map change notify to show stats from our q3 server in a irc channel.
qstat is running great, it shows the actual map and the players.
but my problem is the script qstat map change notify.
i leeched it from your page, it's called "qstat-mapchangenotify_v0.1.2"

now to my problem.. a executable called "qstatrun" is missing:
Tcl error [qstatrun]: couldn't execute "/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts": permission denied. .. I have only executables like qstat.

Eggdrop : /home/nox/eggdrop

qstat executables for "qstat4eggdrop" : /home/nox/eggdrop/scripts -> this script is running - it shows the mapname, players etc at a irc channel

mapchangenotify.serverlist : (/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts)
now running on UT2004 onslaught server 1

mapchangenotify.tcl (/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts)
# set your qstatpath
set qstatpath "/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts"

# number of servers to check
set server_number 1

in this tcl the executable "qstatrun" is used : "bind time - * qstatrun ;# runs every minute"

qstat.tcl (/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts)
# Configuration settings:

# Flags needed to use the commands
set qstat_flag "-|-"
set ip ""

# Path to qstat folder containing qstat stuff/scripts and the qstat program
set pathqstat "/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts"

# Channels you _dont_ want the bot to reply to public triggers on
# (seperate with spaces):
set nopub ""

# End configuration settings

Now - please help me, it's very important for me to get this qstat map change notify running.

if somebody has an idea, you would make me very happy :)
i have no ideo where's the problem, because all ways are right, only this executable is missing

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Re: Qstat + qstat map change notify

Post by deadite66 »

nox wrote:
mapchangenotify.tcl (/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts)
# set your qstatpath
set qstatpath "/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts"
add the qstat executable name in the path

set qstatpath "/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts/qstat"
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Post by nox »

Thanks for answer, that was it.
But now I have a new problem:

Tcl error [qstatrun]: unknown option "-q3"


now running on UT2004 onslaught server 1


# set your qstatpath
set qstatpath "/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts/qstat"

# number of servers to check
set server_number 1

I dont't understand why der is a problem with "-q3" .. in mapchangenotify.serverlist is only "-q3s".

I think thats the last question i have to ask you ;).

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Re: Qstat + qstat map change notify

Post by deadite66 »

nox wrote: mapchangenotify.serverlist : (/home/nox/eggdrop/scripts)
the mapchangenotify.serverlist should be in /home/nox/eggdrop/

i just tried it with a quake3 server and it worked ok with the -q3s option.

(21:07:01) (moontesting) q3dm6 now running on quake3 server (napalm)
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Post by nox »

thanks, it's running now :)
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Post by AciD »

Hi, i have a problem with, qstat map change notify, qstat4eggdrop. I am using windrop, i have checked the directory, on qstat when i type !cs ip:port everything is ok, but neither qstat map change notify, neither qstat4eggdrop dont work. i get error:

Code: Select all

[02:44] Tcl error [q]: couldn't execute "c:\egg\qstat": no such file or directory
That was qstat4eggdrop

Code: Select all

[02:36] Tcl error [qstatrun]: couldn't execute "C:\OCSL\scripts\qstat": no such file or directory
Thats qstat map change notify. Help me pls :)

My Directory is C:\OCSL\scripts\qstat, ive putted C:\OCSL\scripts\qstat\qstat and get error

Code: Select all

[02:50] Tcl error [q]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
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Post by rosc2112 »

it may not work on windoze because tcl/eggdrop are essentially unix based, which uses / for path names, and \ is to escape chars. Obviously you're finding that C:\whatever\pathname does not work.

You could try setting the path as:


If that does not work, your other option is to run EGGDROP (not windrop) under Cygwin (a unix-like environment that runs under windows)
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Post by AciD »

Tried that...

Code: Select all

[07:45] Tcl error [pub:qstat]: couldn't execute "c:\OCSL\scripts\qstat": no such file or directory
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Post by AciD »

It worked, ive restarted the windrop, and got that error..
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Post by nml375 »

If you are using the windows port of qstat, the command would be qstat.exe, rather than qstat. This basically means you'll have to edit the script, locating the lines that executes the external application to use qstat.exe as commandname rather than qstat.

It would probably look something like this:

Code: Select all

  if {$players == 1} {
    catch { exec $qstat(path)/qstat -timeout 5 $gametype $arg -Ts $qstat(path)/server.qstat -Tp $qstat(path)/players.qstat -P } lines
  } else {
    catch { exec $qstat(path)/qstat -timeout 5 $gametype $arg -Ts $qstat(path)/server.qstat } lines
where the "exec $qstat(path)/qstat" should be changed into "exec $qstat(path)/qstat.exe"
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Post by AciD »

Here is My Code:

Code: Select all

set qstat_flag "-|-"
set pathqstat "c:/egg/qstat"
set nopub ""

bind pub $qstat_flag "!cs"  pub:qstat
bind pub $qstat_flag "!csp"  pub:qstat
bind pub $qstat_flag "!css"  pub:qstat
bind pub $qstat_flag "!cssp"  pub:qstat
bind pub $qstat_flag "!q4"  pub:qstat
bind pub $qstat_flag "!q4p"  pub:qstat

proc pub:qstat {nick host hand chan arg} {
  global lastbind pathqstat nopub
  if {[lsearch -exact $nopub [string tolower $chan]] >= 0} {return 0}
  set arg [lindex $arg 0]
  if {[string length [string trim $arg]] == 0} {
    putquick "NOTICE $nick :1,0Syntax: $lastbind <IP/Host>"
    return 0

  switch [string tolower $lastbind] {
    "!cs"     { set gametype "-a2s";  set players 0 }
    "!csp"     { set gametype "-a2s";  set players 1 }
    default {
      putquick "NOTICE $nick :1,0Unknown Command"
      return 0
  # run the qstat program. 
  if {$players} { 
    set stat [open "|$pathqstat/qstat.exe $gametype $arg -Ts $pathqstat/server.qstat -Tp $pathqstat/players.qstat -P" r] 
  } else { 
    set stat [open "|$pathqstat/qstat.exe $gametype $arg -Ts $pathqstat/server.qstat" r] 

  qstat:results $chan $nick $stat
  close $stat
  return 0

proc qstat:results {chan nick pf} { 
   while {[gets $pf line] >= 0} { 
      if {[string match "DOWN*" $line]} { 
         putquick "NOTICE $nick :Connection refused while querying server." 
      } elseif {[string match "HOSTNOTFOUND*" $line]} { 
         putquick "NOTICE $nick :Host not found." 
      } elseif {[string match "TIMEOUT*" $line]} { 
         putquick "NOTICE $nick :Timeout while querying server." 
      set msg [split $line] 
      set string "" 
      foreach query $msg { 
         if {[string length $string] + [string length $query] < 458} { 
            append string "$query " 
         } else { 
            putquick "NOTICE $nick :$string" 
            set string "" 
      if {$string != ""} { 
         putquick "NOTICE $nick :$string" 
i have edit what you said, and get error:

Code: Select all

[22:56] Tcl error [pub:qstat]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
Help pls :?
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Post by nml375 »

A quick Google resulted in this hit:
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Post by AciD »

Thanks, i needed to update my cygwin, and everything works! :)
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Post by AciD »

Hi again :D , oki i have a REQ maybe someone can edit my mapchangenotify. I need it to how hostname, ip, map, players. Ive edited and it shows hostname, ip, map. But dont know how to edit to show players. Help pls.

Code: Select all

# set your qstatpath
set qstatpath "C:/egg/qstat/qstat.exe"

# number of servers to check
set server_number 6

set mcn_version "v0.1.1"

# TCL code begins, don't edit unless you know what your doing #
putlog "mapchangenotify $mcn_version loaded"

# read server list 
set slname "mapchangenotify.serverlist"
set slct [open $slname "r"]
set sdlist [split [read $slct] \n]
close $slct

# create server files if they don't exist
set cfc 0
while { $cfc != $server_number } {
if {![file exists mapchange]} {
set fname "mapchangenotify$cfc.output"
set fp [open $fname "w"]
close $fp
incr cfc
bind time - * qstatrun ;# runs every minute
proc qstatrun {m h d mo y} {
global qstatpath
global server_number
global slct
global sl
global sdlist

set server_count 0
set slcount 0
while {$server_count != $server_number} {

# read old map name
set fname "mapchangenotify$server_count.output"
set fp [open $fname "r"]
set qstatxmlfile [split [read $fp] \n]
close $fp

# using regex to find the right lines, yeah i know 50 lines is over kill.
set qstatxmlgameline 20
set qstatxmlmapline 20
set findrightlines 0
set findrightlinesmax 20
while { $findrightlines != $findrightlinesmax } {
set poon [lindex $qstatxmlfile $findrightlines]
if { [regexp "<map>(.*)</map>" $poon] == 1} {
set qstatxmlmapline $findrightlines
incr findrightlines

set mapline [lindex $qstatxmlfile $qstatxmlmapline]

# strip out <map> and <\map>
set oldmap [string range $mapline 7 [expr [string length $mapline] - 7]]

# set server list 
set qstatgametype [lindex $sdlist $slcount] ; incr slcount
set qstatserverip [lindex $sdlist $slcount] ; incr slcount
set qstataddedtext [lindex $sdlist $slcount] ; incr slcount
set qstatircchan [lindex $sdlist $slcount] ; incr slcount

exec $qstatpath $qstatgametype $qstatserverip -xml -of mapchangenotify$server_count.output

# read new map name
set fname "mapchangenotify$server_count.output"
set fp [open $fname "r"]
set qstatxmlfile [split [read $fp] \n]
close $fp

# using regex to find the right lines, yeah i know 50 lines is over kill.
set qstatxmlgameline 20
set qstatxmlmapline 20
set findrightlines 0
set findrightlinesmax 20
while { $findrightlines != $findrightlinesmax } {
set poon [lindex $qstatxmlfile $findrightlines]
if { [regexp "<map>(.*)</map>" $poon] == 1} {
set qstatxmlmapline $findrightlines
if { [regexp "<gametype>(.*)</gametype>" $poon] == 1} {
set qstatxmlgameline $findrightlines
incr findrightlines

set gametypeline [lindex $qstatxmlfile $qstatxmlgameline]
set mapline [lindex $qstatxmlfile $qstatxmlmapline]

# strip out <map> and <\map>
set newmap [string range $mapline 7 [expr [string length $mapline] - 7]]
# strip out <gametype> and <\gametype>
set gametype [string range $gametypeline 12 [expr [string length $gametypeline] - 12]]

# if qstat hit the server at the wrong time nothing is returned so having another crack at it
set recheckbreak 0
set mlbroken 0
while {[string length $mapline] < 1} {
exec $qstatpath $qstatgametype $qstatserverip -xml -of mapchangenotify$server_count.output

# read new map name
set fname "mapchangenotify$server_count.output"
set fp [open $fname "r"]
set qstatxmlfile [split [read $fp] \n]
close $fp

# using regex to find the right lines, yeah i know 50 lines is over kill.
set qstatxmlgameline 20
set qstatxmlmapline 20
set findrightlines 0
set findrightlinesmax 20
while { $findrightlines != $findrightlinesmax } {
set poon [lindex $qstatxmlfile $findrightlines]
if { [regexp "<map>(.*)</map>" $poon] == 1} {
set qstatxmlmapline $findrightlines
if { [regexp "<gametype>(.*)</gametype>" $poon] == 1} {
set qstatxmlgameline $findrightlines
incr findrightlines

set gametypeline [lindex $qstatxmlfile $qstatxmlgameline]
set mapline [lindex $qstatxmlfile $qstatxmlmapline]

# strip out <map> and <\map>
set newmap [string range $mapline 7 [expr [string length $mapline] - 7]]
# strip out <gametype> and <\gametype>
set gametype [string range $gametypeline 12 [expr [string length $gametypeline] - 12]]
incr recheckbreak
if {$recheckbreak == 2} { set mlbroken 1 ; break }

incr server_count

if {$newmap != $oldmap && $mlbroken == 0 }  {
     puthelp "PRIVMSG $qstatircchan :$qstataddedtext $newmap "
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Post by AciD »

WTF? ive updated, everything worked.

Code: Select all

<pSy> .stat
<SpawN> [01:59] #pSy# status
<SpawN> I am SpawN, running eggdrop v1.6.17: 2 users (mem: 81k).
<SpawN> Online for 01:09 (background) - CPU: 00:01 - Cache hit: 41.8%
<SpawN> Config file: eggdrop.conf
<SpawN> OS: CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.24(0.156/4/2)
<SpawN> Tcl library: C:/egg/lib/tcl8.4
<SpawN> Tcl version: 8.4.7 (header version 8.4.7)
<SpawN> Loaded module information:
<SpawN>     Channels: #grigai, #mercenaries
<SpawN>     Online as: SpawN! (SpawN)
<SpawN>     Server (connected for 00:59)
<SpawN>     #grigai             :  14 members, enforcing "+tn-klips" (greet)
<SpawN>     #mercenaries        :   4 members, enforcing "+tn" (greet)
<SpawN> [02:00] @#grigai (+mRtrn) : [m/14 o/4 h/1 v/7 n/2 b/0 e/0 I/0]
<SpawN> [02:00] Writing user file...
<SpawN> [02:00] Writing channel file...
<SpawN> [02:05] @#grigai (+mRtrn) : [m/14 o/4 h/1 v/7 n/2 b/0 e/0 I/0]
<SpawN> [02:09] #Grigai: mode change '+e sda!*@*' by AciD`oFF!~AciD@9A68A77C.1A839F6.F7CCB473.IP
<SpawN> [02:10] @#grigai (+mRtrn) : [m/14 o/4 h/1 v/7 n/2 b/0 e/1 I/0]
<pSy> .rehash
<SpawN> [02:14] #pSy# rehash
<SpawN> Rehashing.
<SpawN> [02:14] Writing user file...
<SpawN> [02:14] Writing channel file...
<SpawN> [02:14] Rehashing ...
<SpawN> [02:14] Listening at telnet port 3333 (all).
<SpawN> [02:14] Userinfo TCL v1.07 loaded (URL BF GF IRL EMAIL DOB PHONE ICQ).
<SpawN> [02:14] use '.help userinfo' for commands.
<SpawN> [02:14] Auto Identify
<SpawN> [02:14] MSG TCL 0.5 Loaded
<SpawN> [02:14] tv scripts form loaded
<SpawN> [02:14] AMXBans By AciD successfully loaded!
<SpawN> [02:14] egglib_pub.tcl v1.53 by Shrike <>, mrBuG <> loaded
<SpawN> [02:14]  - incith:google-1.8.6a loaded.
<SpawN> [02:14] mapchangenotify v0.1.1 loaded
<SpawN> [02:14] ERROR reading stats file
<SpawN> [02:14] Stats.mod v1.4.0 dev20 loaded.
<SpawN> [02:14] Module loaded: stats           
<SpawN> [02:14] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
<SpawN> [02:14] invalid command name "loadslang"
<SpawN>     while executing
<SpawN> "loadslang language/stats.lang"
<SpawN>     (file "stats.conf" line 65)
<SpawN>     invoked from within
<SpawN> "source stats.conf"
<SpawN>     (file "eggdrop.conf" line 70)
DCC session closed
Then ive loaded source stats.conf my windrop crashed. Ive loaded him again and:

Code: Select all

Chat with SpawN
Waiting for acknowledgement...
DCC Chat connection established
<SpawN> Enter your password.
<pSy> blacklist
<SpawN> Connected to SpawN, running eggdrop v1.6.17
<SpawN>      ____                __
<SpawN>     / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___   ___
<SpawN>    / _/ / _ `// _ `// _  // __// _ \ / _ \
<SpawN>   /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/   \___// .__/
<SpawN>        /___/ /___/                 /_/
<SpawN> Hey pSy!  My name is SpawN and I am running eggdrop v1.6.17, on CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.24(0.156/4/2).
<SpawN> Local time is now 02:15
<SpawN> You are an owner of this bot. Only +n users can see this! For more info,
<SpawN> see .help set motd. Please edit the motd file in your bot's 'text'
<SpawN> directory.
<SpawN> Use .help for basic help.
<SpawN> Use .help <command> for help on a specific command.
<SpawN> Use .help all to get a full command list.
<SpawN> Use .help *somestring* to list any help texts containing "somestring".
<SpawN> Have fun.
<SpawN> Commands start with '.' (like '.quit' or '.help')
<SpawN> Everything else goes out to the party line.
<SpawN> You have no messages.
<SpawN> *** pSy joined the party line.
<SpawN> [02:15] New user peak in #mercenaries: 1.
<SpawN> [02:16] Tcl error [qstatrun]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
<SpawN> [02:16] <<pSy>> !pSy! top 
<SpawN> [02:16] WARNING! No language selected! (getslang())
<SpawN> [02:16] Tcl error [pub:qstat]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
And Everyting I Load him now i get:

Code: Select all

Chat with SpawN
Waiting for acknowledgement...
DCC Chat connection established
<SpawN> Enter your password.
<pSy> blacklist
<SpawN> Connected to SpawN, running eggdrop v1.6.17
<SpawN>      ____                __
<SpawN>     / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___   ___
<SpawN>    / _/ / _ `// _ `// _  // __// _ \ / _ \
<SpawN>   /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/   \___// .__/
<SpawN>        /___/ /___/                 /_/
<SpawN> Hey pSy!  My name is SpawN and I am running eggdrop v1.6.17, on CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.18(0.132/4/2).
<SpawN> Local time is now 02:39
<SpawN> You are an owner of this bot. Only +n users can see this! For more info,
<SpawN> see .help set motd. Please edit the motd file in your bot's 'text'
<SpawN> directory.
<SpawN> Use .help for basic help.
<SpawN> Use .help <command> for help on a specific command.
<SpawN> Use .help all to get a full command list.
<SpawN> Use .help *somestring* to list any help texts containing "somestring".
<SpawN> Have fun.
<SpawN> Commands start with '.' (like '.quit' or '.help')
<SpawN> Everything else goes out to the party line.
<SpawN> You have no messages.
<SpawN> *** pSy joined the party line.
<SpawN> [02:39] #Grigai: mode change '+o SpawN' by pSy!
<SpawN> [02:39] #Grigai: mode change '-o SpawN' by savas!
<SpawN> [02:39] #Grigai: mode change '+o SpawN' by pSy!
<SpawN> [02:40] #Grigai: mode change '-o SpawN' by savas!
<SpawN> [02:40] Tcl error [qstatrun]: couldn't create error file for command: no such file or directory
<SpawN> [02:40] #grigai (+mRtrn) : [m/14 o/2 h/1 v/7 n/4 b/0 e/1 I/0]
<SpawN> [02:40] #Grigai: mode change '+o SpawN' by pSy!
<SpawN> [02:40] Tcl error [pub:qstat]: couldn't create error file for command: no such file or directory
<SpawN> [02:41] Tcl error [qstatrun]: couldn't create error file for command: no such file or directory
i get or:

Code: Select all

Tcl error [qstatrun]: couldn't create error file for command: no such file or directory

Code: Select all

Tcl error [qstatrun]: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number
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