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insult.tcl , slap

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insult.tcl , slap

Post by JazzMatazz »


i installed a bot and managed to get it up and running.
Ive trid to install a few TCLs, with mixed results.
One problem i have is with the insult.tcl (obtainable at )

It says something about

Code: Select all

if {[string tolower $rest] == [string tolower $botnick]} {putserv "KICK $channel $nick :Insult this beotch! LOL"; return 0}
if {$rest == ""} {
                  if {$insult(who) == 0} {set rest $nick}
                  if {$insult(who) == 1} {set rest [getrnduser $channel]}
(whole code below)

unfortunately the Bot does not kick when insulted. Insteads nothing follows when the command is entered. (He is not insulted either)
With normal users this works fine.
Could you tell me what the problem is?

My second question would be how i can make a simple "!slap command".
All it should do is the standard "$nick slaps $nick2 with a large trout"

Kind regards,


Code: Select all

#                                                                     #
# rssnews.tcl - RSS news announcer for eggdrop by   #
#                                                                     #
#               this will announce the updated news from RSS feed(s), #
#               periodically polling the feed(s); supports multiple   #
#               channels, one feed per channel; you only need to set  #
#               the feeds array, see below                            #
#                                                                     #
#        Usage: !rss <news#|*> (read news# or * for headlines list)   #
#                                                                     #

package require Tcl 8.3
package require eggdrop 1.6
package require http 2.0

namespace eval rssnews {

# set your feed(s) sources here: channel, poll frequency in mins, feed URL
set feeds(#shu) {17}
set feeds(#shu) {11}
set feeds(#shu) {30}
set feeds(#shu) {20}

# maximum number of announced new headlines
variable maxnew 5

# feed fetch timeout in seconds
variable timeout 20

# public trigger flood settings
variable pubflud 5:15

# support SSL feeds (requires TLS package)
variable usessl 0

# if usessl is 1, request/require valid certificate from server
variable reqcert yes:no

# nothing to edit below

variable version "rssnews-1.5"

if {$usessl} {
	package require tls 1.5
	scan $reqcert {%[^:]:%s} r1 r2
	if {$r1 == "yes"} {set r1 1} {set r1 0}
	if {$r2 == "yes"} {set r2 1} {set r2 0}
	set ssl [list ::tls::socket -request $r1 -require $r2]
	::http::register https 443 $ssl

bind pub  - !rss [namespace current]::news
bind time - *    [namespace current]::timer

putlog "$version by demond loaded"

proc timer {min hour day month year} {
	variable feeds
	if {[info exists feeds]} {
	if {$min} {set min [string trimleft $min 0]}
	foreach {chan feed} [array get feeds] {
		if {$min && $min % [lindex $feed 0] == 0} {
			fetch [lindex $feed 1] $chan

proc fetch {url chan} {
	variable timeout
	variable version; variable token
	set to [expr {$timeout * 1000}]
	set cmd [namespace current]::callback
	::http::config -useragent "$version by demond"
	if {[catch {set t [::http::geturl $url -command $cmd -timeout $to]} err]} {
		putlog "$version: ERROR($chan): $err"
	} {
		set token($t) $chan

proc callback {t} {
	variable version; variable token
	set chan $token($t)
	switch -exact [::http::status $t] {
	"timeout" {
		putlog "$version: ERROR($chan): timeout"
	"error" {
		putlog "$version: ERROR($chan): [::http::error $t]"
	"ok" {
		if {[::http::ncode $t] != 200} {
			putlog "$version: ERROR($chan): [::http::code $t]"
		} {
			process [::http::data $t] $chan
	default {
		putlog "$version: ERROR($chan): got EOF from socket"
	::http::cleanup $t

proc process {data chan} {
	variable news; variable hash
	variable maxnew; variable source
	set idx 1; set count 0
	set news($chan) {}; set source($chan) ""
	if {[regexp {(?i)<title>(.*?)</title>} $data -> foo]} {
		append source($chan) $foo
	if {[regexp {(?i)<description>(.*?)</description>} $data -> foo]} {
		append source($chan) " | $foo"
	regsub -all {(?i)<items.*?>.*?</items>} $data {} data
	foreach {foo item} [regexp -all -inline {(?i)<item.*?>(.*?)</item>} $data] {
		regexp {(?i)<title.*?>(.*?)</title>}  $item -> title
		regexp {(?i)<link.*?>(.*?)</link}     $item -> link
		regexp {(?i)<desc.*?>(.*?)</desc.*?>} $item -> descr
		if {![info exists title]} {set title "(none)"}
		if {![info exists link]}  {set link  "(none)"}
		if {![info exists descr]} {set descr "(none)"}
		strip title link descr
		if {[info exists hash($chan)]} {
		if {[lsearch -exact $hash($chan) [md5 $title]] == -1 && [botonchan $chan]} {
			if {$count < $maxnew} {
				puthelp "privmsg $chan :($idx) $title"
				incr count
			} {
				lappend indices $idx
		lappend news($chan) [list $title $link $descr]
		lappend hashes [md5 $title]
		incr idx
	if {[info exists indices] && [botonchan $chan]} {
		set count [llength $indices]
		set indices "(indices: [join $indices {, }])"
		puthelp "privmsg $chan :...and $count more $indices" 
	set hash($chan) $hashes

proc strip {args} {
	variable html
	foreach a $args {
		upvar $a x
		set amp {& &}
		set x [string map $amp $x]
		set x [string map $html $x]
		while {[regexp -indices {(&#[0-9]{1,3};)} $x -> idxs]} {
			set b [lindex $idxs 0]; set e [lindex $idxs 1]
			set num [string range $x [expr {$b+2}] [expr {$e-1}]]
			if {$num < 256} {
				set x [string replace $x $b $e [format %c $num]]
		regexp {(?i)<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]>}   $x ->    x
		regsub -all {(?i)</t[dr]><t[dr].*?>} $x { | } x
		regsub -all {(?i)(<p>|<br>|\n)}      $x { }   x
		regsub -all {<[^<]+?>}               $x {}    x

proc news {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	variable source
	variable news; variable feeds
	variable pcount; variable pubflud
	if {[info exists pcount]} {
		set n [lindex $pcount 1]; incr n
		set ts [lindex $pcount 0]
		set pcount [list $ts $n]
		scan $pubflud {%[^:]:%s} maxr maxt
		if {$n >= $maxr} {
			if {[unixtime] - $ts <= $maxt} {return}
			set n 1; set ts [unixtime]
	} {
		set n 1; set ts [unixtime]
	set pcount [list $ts $n]
	set num [lindex [split $text] 0]
	if {$num == ""} {
		puthelp "notice $nick :Usage: $::lastbind <news#|*>"
	if {$num != "*" && ![string is integer $num]} {
		puthelp "notice $nick :argument must be number or *"
	if {![info exists news($chan)]} {
		puthelp "notice $nick :no news for this channel"
	if {$num == "*"} {
		set idx 1
		if {$source($chan) != ""} {
			set title $source($chan)
		} {
			set title [lindex $feeds($chan) 1]
		puthelp "notice $nick :News source: \002$title\002"
		foreach item $news($chan) {
			puthelp "notice $nick :($idx) [lindex $item 0]"
			incr idx
		return 1
	} {
	if {$num < 1 || $num > [llength $news($chan)]} {
		puthelp "notice $nick :no such news index, try $::lastbind *"
	} {
		set idx [expr {$num-1}]
		puthelp "notice $nick :......title($num): [lindex [lindex $news($chan) $idx] 0]"
		puthelp "notice $nick :description($num): [lindex [lindex $news($chan) $idx] 2]"
		puthelp "notice $nick$num): [lindex [lindex $news($chan) $idx] 1]"
		return 1

variable html {
	"     \x22  &apos;     \x27  &      \x26  <       \x3C
	>       \x3E        \x20  ¡    \xA1  ¤   \xA4
	¢     \xA2  £    \xA3  ¥      \xA5  ¦   \xA6
	§     \xA7  ¨      \xA8  ©     \xA9  ª     \xAA
	«    \xAB  ¬      \xAC  ­      \xAD  ®      \xAE
	¯     \xAF  °      \xB0  ±   \xB1  ²     \xB2
	³     \xB3  ´    \xB4  µ    \xB5  ¶     \xB6
	·   \xB7  ¸    \xB8  ¹     \xB9  º     \xBA
	»    \xBB  ¼   \xBC  ½   \xBD  ¾   \xBE
	¿   \xBF  ×    \xD7  ÷   \xF7  À   \xC0
	Á   \xC1  Â    \xC2  Ã   \xC3  Ä     \xC4
	Å    \xC5  Æ    \xC6  Ç   \xC7  È   \xC8
	É   \xC9  Ê    \xCA  Ë     \xCB  Ì   \xCC
	Í   \xCD  Î    \xCE  Ï     \xCF  Ð      \xD0
	Ñ   \xD1  Ò   \xD2  Ó   \xD3  Ô    \xD4
	Õ   \xD5  Ö     \xD6  Ø   \xD8  Ù   \xD9
	Ú   \xDA  Û    \xDB  Ü     \xDC  Ý   \xDD
	Þ    \xDE  ß    \xDF  à   \xE0  á   \xE1
	â    \xE2  ã   \xE3  ä     \xE4  å    \xE5
	æ    \xE6  ç   \xE7  è   \xE8  é   \xE9
	ê    \xEA  ë     \xEB  ì   \xEC  í   \xED
	î    \xEE  ï     \xEF  ð      \xF0  ñ   \xF1
	ò   \xF2  ó   \xF3  ô    \xF4  õ   \xF5
	ö     \xF6  ø   \xF8  ù   \xF9  ú   \xFA
	û    \xFB  ü     \xFC  ý   \xFD  þ    \xFE
	ÿ     \xFF

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Post by demond »

using my script together with a lowly script named insult.tcl? now that's an insult dude!!

connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>

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Post by JazzMatazz »

damn i pasted the wrong script!
it was 5 a.m...

oh and besides: your script aint working either. it always says "no news spcified for the channel"... channel is "#shu"
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Post by Alchera »

insult.tcl is a very old script written for eggdrop v1.6.2. The author, [DrN], referred to this script as "lame".
Insult is another lame TCL. It will hurl bad insults at yourself or others when triggered.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by demond »

JazzMatazz wrote:damn i pasted the wrong script!
it was 5 a.m...

oh and besides: your script aint working either. it always says "no news spcified for the channel"... channel is "#shu"
that means the bot was unable (or still hasn't tried; it works on timer) to fetch RSS data from the feed(s) you specified; check the log

and post any further comments, should you have any, in the script's support thread
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>

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 tag when posting logs, code
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