[06:18:39] * Hawara sets mode: +x
[06:18:39] -NickServ- Beware, usermode +x has only partial effect now, older servers will show your real host. This warning will be removed as soon as the upgrade finished.
* Hawara Hx hawara@N654m.NYMDe.free.net :0 Hawara
Hawara End of WHO list.
[06:18:54] * Hawara sets mode: -x
* Hawara H hawara@hawara.45.free.net :0 Hawara
Hawara End of WHO list.
x - appears only when usermode is activated - so we can guess masked host using who command
bind pub n !kbx foo
bind raw - 352 bar
proc foo {n u h c t} {putserv "who $c"}
proc bar {f k t} {
foreach {x c x h x n u} [split $t] {break}
if ![regexp x $u] return
pushmode $c +b *!*@$h
putkick $c $n
I challenge minimalists to shorten that
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>
Just one little detail... please, tell me how to make it run on user join
(i guess i have to add bind join - * foo ) and to make bot rescan channel each 5 minutes to find if someone enabled +x mode?
set chan "#tlk-r"
bind pub n !kbx foo
bind join - * foobar
bind raw - 352 bar
bind time - "?0 * * * *" barfoo
proc barfoo {n u h c y} {
global chan
putserv "who $chan"
proc foo {n u h c t} {putserv "who $c"}
proc foobar {n u h c} {putserv "who $c"}
proc bar {f k t} {
foreach {x c x h x n u} [split $t] {break}
if ![regexp x $u] return
pushmode $c +b *!*@$h
putkick $c $n "mode -x or die!"
congrats, glad to see your enthusiasm nowadays when fewer folks bother to learn and help themselves
there is one potential glitch however: doing WHO on join won't yield results every time since modern IRC servers impose command pace limits to clients, say one WHO in 2 seconds
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>