Code: Select all
# tvprog.tcl v0.2 by wiva.spam at
# Updated to thefutoncritic's new layout
# and some other changes I wanted to limit
# the output.
# tvprog.tcl v0.1 by greenbear at
# Parse the tv-program for yesterday, today and
# tomorrow from
# Enable with .chanset #channel +tv
#Max shows per line
set showsperline 3
bind pub - !today pub:tfctoday
bind pub - !tomorrow pub:tfctomorrow
bind pub - !yesterday pub:tfcyesterday
package require http
setudef flag tv
proc pub:tfctoday {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if ![channel get $chan tv] return
parse:tfc $chan 0
proc pub:tfctomorrow {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if ![channel get $chan tv] return
parse:tfc $chan 1
proc pub:tfcyesterday {nick uhost hand chan text} {
if ![channel get $chan tv] return
parse:tfc $chan 2
proc parse:tfc {chan type} {
global showsperline
set data [http::data [http::geturl]]
set data [string map {"\n" ""} $data]
set data [string map {"bigorange'>" "bigorange'>\n"} $data]
set data [string map {"</li>" "</li>\n"} $data]
set data [string map {"<ul>" "<ul>\n"} $data]
if {$type==1} {
scan [clock format [clock scan tomorrow] -format "%m/%d/%y"] %d/%d/%d m d y
} elseif {$type==2} {
scan [clock format [clock scan yesterday] -format "%m/%d/%y"] %d/%d/%d m d y
} {
scan [strftime "%m/%d/%y"] %d/%d/%d m d y
set when "$m/$d/0$y"
set parse 0
set start 0
foreach line [split $data \n] {
#Correct day found
if {!$parse&&[string match -noc "*$when*" $line]} {
set parse 1
regsub -all {<(.|\n)*?>} $line {} clean
set out [join $clean]
putservmc "PRIVMSG $chan :$out"
if {$parse&&[string match -noc "*middle*content*ends*" $line]} {return}
#Skip unwanted shows/channels
if {$parse&&[string match -noc "*(lifetime)*" $line]} {continue}
if {$parse&&[string match -noc "*(vh1)*" $line]} {continue}
if {$parse&&[string match -noc "*(espn)*" $line]} {continue}
if {$parse&&[string match -noc "*(mtv)*" $line]} {continue}
if {$parse&&[string match -noc "*mlb*playoffs*" $line]} {continue}
if {$parse&&[string match -noc "*(a&e)*" $line]} {continue}
if {$parse&&[string match -noc "*(spike_tv)*" $line]} {continue}
if {$parse} {
regsub -all {<(.|\n)*?>} $line {} clean
set out [join $clean]
#Gather all shows that start at the same time before outputting
if {[string first "-" $out] != -1 && $when != [string range $out 0 [string first "-" $out ]]} {
if {$start} {
print:tfc $longstring $when $chan
set when [string range $out 0 [string first "-" $out ]]
set longstring ""
set start 1
set nbr 1
if {$start} {
set epnamestart [string first "-" $out]
set epnamestop [string first "(" $out]
set epnbrstart [string first "#" $out]
# Check for FOX numbering
if { $epnbrstart == -1 && [string match "*new?episode*(*-*)*" $out]} {
set epnbrstart [expr 1+$epnamestop+[string first "-" [string range $out [expr 1+$epnamestop] end]]]
set epnbrstop [string first ")" [string range $out $epnbrstart end]]
if { $epnbrstart != -1 } {
append longstring [string range $out [expr $epnamestart + 2] [expr $epnamestop - 1]]
#Another FOX numbering fix
if { [string index $out $epnbrstart] == "-"} {
append longstring "#"
append longstring [string range $out [expr 1+$epnbrstart] [expr $epnbrstart + $epnbrstop - 1] ]
} else {
append longstring [string range $out $epnbrstart [expr $epnbrstart + $epnbrstop - 1] ]
#Start on a new line after 'showsperline' shows
if { [expr $nbr % $showsperline] == 0} {
append longstring "\n"
} else {
append longstring " :: "
incr nbr
if {$out==""} {
print:tfc $longstring $when $chan
proc print:tfc {longstring when chan} {
if { [string compare $longstring ""] != 0} {
#Adjust for extra show separator added at the end of the line
if { [expr 4+[string last " :: " $longstring]] == [string length $longstring] } {
set longstring [string range $longstring 0 [string last " :: " $longstring]]
#Pad times to same length
if { [string first ":" $when] == 1 } {
set when 0$when
#Output each non-empty line with the time added
foreach line [split $longstring \n] {
if { [string length $line] > 1} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$when $line"
putlog "* tvprog2.tcl loaded."