Using eggdrop 1.6.17 and using Stats.mod 1.3 (not touched the new one yet).
Found an error, which crashes the bot completely.
.schannel <channel>
If i put a channel in, it dies horribly.
this is the error recorded in debug mode:
[14:17] tcl: builtin dcc call: *dcc:schannel Weirdo 13 ##uno##
[14:17] #Weirdo# (#catgirls) schannel ##uno##
[14:17] * Last context: stats:userrec.c/535 []
[14:17] * Please REPORT this BUG!
[14:17] * Check doc/BUG-REPORT on how to do so.
[14:17] * Wrote DEBUG
[14:17] * BUS ERROR -- CRASHING!
Bus error (core dumped)
Debug file
Furthermore, its occuring only on commands in channels where stats is monitored, but not outputted. IE no !stat or livestats. I am thinking it may be data corruption.Debug (eggdrop v1.6.17) written Tue Jan 3 14:17:50 2006
Full Patch List:
Tcl library: /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4
Tcl version: 8.4.7 (header version 8.3.5)
Compile flags: gcc -pipe -g -O2 -Wall -I.. -I.. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
Link flags: gcc -pipe
Strip flags: touch
Context: tclhash.c/688, []
tclhash.c/680, []
tclhash.c/684, [Tcl proc: *raw:irc:msg, param: $_raw1 $_raw2 $_raw3]
tclhash.c/680, []
tclhash.c/684, [Tcl proc: *pubm:stat, param: $_pubm1 $_pubm2 $_pubm3 $_pubm4 $_pubm5]
stats:userrec.c/29, []
stats:datahandling.c/1004, []
tclhash.c/688, []
tclhash.c/688, []
tclhash.c/680, []
tclhash.c/684, [Tcl proc: *raw:PRIVMSG, param: $_raw1 $_raw2 $_raw3]
tclhash.c/688, []
tclhash.c/680, []
tclhash.c/684, [Tcl proc: *dcc:schannel, param: $_dcc1 $_dcc2 $_dcc3]
stats:dcccmds.c/166, []
stats:userrec.c/535 []
---- -------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----
3 C3F2D525 1600 (telnet) * lstn 1600
4 00000000 0 (dns) dns (ready)
6 DEADF00D 4060 livestats * lstn port
9 550DFB12 6667 (server) serv (lag: 0)
13 5164F250 64443 Weirdo chat flags: cpTep/0
Compiled without extensive memory debugging (sorry).
Open sockets: 3 (listen), 4 (passed on), 6 (listen), 9, 13, 14 (file), done.