ok I have a website that adds things to a mysql db now my question is what would be the best way for eggdrop to connect to this db and post in a channel when ever something new is added, and also make it be able to search the db and post the search results in chan with a search trigger from chan. FreeBSD 5.4 and mandrake is distros i have installed dont no if it would matter just FYI.
Maybe a Noob step by step page since i am a noob when it comes to this or point in the right direction sorry if i am posting this question in the wrong place.
BarkerJr wrote:I think think my module is better than mysqltcl
well, it might be easier to use in eggdrop, but I doubt it provides some (or all) of the more advanced features of mysqltcl (variable binding, db info queries, SSL, etc.)
so you probably meant it's better for newbies, not better in general
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