I use to have bots running with netbots. And I've since rebuilt them, now without netbots (trying to write my own botnet script). However the eggdrop is still the same version (1.6.17). The conf files are not exact copies, but should have the same settings unless i skipped something.
Now my tcl script is very bare, not much code in it to cause trouble. So my problem is, in my old setup I can see a lot more output from the bot. For instance, when the bot links it'll spit out it's transferring the userfile. Also when I add a user or change a usersflags, all bots will report this. In my tcl script, `putlog "test"` won't get displayed in the bots dcc. But I notice they work in netbots since the netbot script used them to display some messages.
I am guessing this is probably a conf issue? I doubt eggdrop, because the bots downloaded eggdrop files off the main eggdrop ftp. All compiled from src.
Modules I have loaded... channels,blowfish,irc,share,transfer.