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weird behaviour with 2 channels

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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weird behaviour with 2 channels

Post by bodybag »

i have a problem with eggdrop 1.6.17. when i add a second channel to my config-file. the bot stops giving userflags on join and doesnt continue writiing its statsfile (stats.mod). anybody ever had such a problem ?
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Post by demond »

don't use static (added in the config) channels

add your channels from bot's partyline using .+chan
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>

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Post by bodybag »

I compiled eggdrop without the stats.mod - module. Can't add the channel cia partyline cause they already exist ;) Maybe my config is broken.

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# Simple configuration file for eggdrop 1.3.27 and later versions
# v2.1 (21/6/2000) by slennox <>,
# This is a simplified version of the eggdrop.conf.dist file. It's written
# mainly for people new to eggdrop who find all the options in the example
# config file somewhat daunting. If you want to get your channel bot up and
# running as quickly and painlessly as possible, you should edit this file
# to create your bot's config file. However, if you want to take full
# advantage of all of eggdrop's features, you'll need to make some time to
# go through all the options in eggdrop.conf.dist and base your config on
# that file.
# Before you can start your bot, you'll need to set all the options below
# to specify things such as the bot's nickname, the servers it should
# connect to, etc. Be sure to read each description carefully.


# These lines load all the modules necessary for a simple channel bot.
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
checkmodule blowfish

# Bot admin - set your name and e-mail address.
set admin "Your Name <>"

# Bot owner - set your nickname here.
set owner "xxx"

set nick-len 15 
# New user notification - set your nickname here.
set notify-newusers "xxx"

# User name - set this to your username on the shell.
set username "bender"

# Vhost - if you want your bot to use a vhost, uncomment the the following
# line (i.e. remove the #) and set the vhost. Note that you can't just set
# anything here - the vhost must be available on the shell your bot is on.
# You may also need to set the vhost's IP number for it to work on some
# shells.
set my-hostname ""
set my-ip "xx.xx.xx.xx"
listen 3333 all

# IRC network - set this to the name of the network your bot will be on.
set network "xxx"

# IRC network type - to allow eggdrop to function optimally on your IRC
# network's servers, set the network type below.
# 0 = EFnet, 1 = IRCnet, 2 = Undernet, 3 = DalNet, 4 = EFnet (for new
# hybrid 6.0 servers with +e support), 5 = Other Networks
set net-type 1

# Bot nickname - set the nickname you want for your bot here. Also set the
# alternate nickname (in case the first nick is in use).
set nick "BenderBot"
set altnick "BenderBot2"

# Real name - the name that appears when you /whois the bot.
set realname "Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?"

# Server list - make a list of servers your bot should try to connect to.
# You will need to change this to servers on your IRC network.
set global-chanset {

set servers {

      # Channels - you need to create a "channel add" setting for each channel
      # you want the bot to be on. Make sure you change the examples below to
      # your channel(s).
      # Each channel add has options to configure how your bot should act on the
      # channel:
      # chanmode
      #   Channel modes the bot will enforce.
      # idle-kick
      #   Kick people who are idle in the channel after how many minutes? Leave
      #   it set to 0 to disable.
      # flood-chan
      #   How many channel messages in how many seconds is a flood?
      # flood-ctcp
      #   How many channel CTCPs in how many seconds is a flood?
      # flood-join
      #   How many joins or nick changes in how many seconds is a flood?
      # flood-deop
      #   How many deops in how many seconds is a flood?
      # flood-kick
      #   How many kicks how many seconds is a flood?
      # Flood settings can be set to 0:1 to disable detection.

channel add #ScoreAddiction {
	chanmode "+nt"
	idle-kick 0
    flood-chan 30:60
	flood-join 5:60
	flood-ctcp 3:60
	flood-deop 3:10
	flood-kick 3:10
channel add #SportIllustrated {
	chanmode "+nt"
	idle-kick 0
	flood-chan 30:60
	flood-join 5:60
	flood-ctcp 3:60
	flood-deop 3:10
	flood-kick 3:10
# Additional channel settings - these further determine how the bot should
# act on the channel(s) it's on. These settings are switched on/off using
# the + or - symbol. + (plus) switches the option on, - (minus) switches it
# off. Available settings are:
# enforcebans
#   When a new ban is set on the channel, kick users who match the ban?
# dynamicbans
#   Activate bans only when necessary (e.g. when someone who matches a ban
#   joins the channel), instead of leaving it active around the clock?
# autoop
#   Automatically op +o users when they join the channel? (generally a bad
#   idea).
# bitch
#   Only allow +o users to be opped?
# protectops
#   Reop +o users if they get deopped?
# stopnethack
#   Deop non +o users if they're given ops by a server?
# revenge
#   Punish users who deop/kick/ban the bot?

channel set #ScoreAddiction +enforcebans +autovoice -dynamicbans -autoop -bitch +protectops +stopnethack -revenge
channel set #SportIllustrated +enforcebans +autovoice -dynamicbans -autoop -bitch +protectops +stopnethack -revenge

# User file - set the filename for your bot's userfile.
set userfile "benderbot.user"

# Channel file - set the filename for your bot's chanfile.
set chanfile "benderbot.chan"

# Notes file - set the filename for your bot's notes file.
set notefile "benderbot.notes"

# These lines specify the logfiles the bot should keep. The first line
# makes the bot to log all bot activity to the file "nicebot.log". The
# second line makes the bot log all activity on the channel "#yourchan" to
# "#yourchan.log". You can have up to five log files. If you don't want the
# bot to keep log files, delete the three lines below. Otherwise, make sure
# you change the channel names to the channel(s) your bot will be on.
logfile mcobxs * "logs/benderbot.log"
logfile jkp #ScoreAddiction "logs/#ScoreAddiction.log"
logfile jkp #SportIllustrated "logs/#SportIllustrated.log"

# TCL scripts - specify any TCL scripts you wish to load.
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/http.tcl
source scripts/tv_v5.4.tcl
source scripts/quoteme-1.3.tcl
source scripts/ent_agreet.tcl
source scripts/imdb.tcl
source scripts/meteo.tcl
source scripts/slap.tcl
source scripts/lies.tcl
source scripts/kuschel.tcl
source scripts/avote.tcl
source scripts/server_ident.tcl
source scripts/rssnews.tcl

loadhelp quoteme-1.3.tcl

set help-path "help/"
set hourly-updates 02
set init-server { putserv "MODE $botnick +i-ws" }
set ctcp-mode 2
set double-mode 0
set double-server 0
set double-help 0
#unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
#unbind dcc n set *dcc:set
unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul

#source stats.conf
source gseen.conf
Bot Is connecting to a UnrealIrcd Server
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Post by demond »

what was it in my post you didn't understand?

"don't use static (added in the config) channels" means "remove channels defined in your config"

pretty clear, no?
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>

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Post by bodybag »

demond wrote:what was it in my post you didn't understand?

"don't use static (added in the config) channels" means "remove channels defined in your config"

pretty clear, no?
Sorry. Must be the weather ;)
I read "Don't use the stats-module defined in your config"
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Post by bodybag »

Thanks. That did the job.
You are the best.
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