mIRC color control escape is \003, bold is \002, reverse (or blinking) is \026, underline is \037, back to plain text is \017; for color codes refer to your mIRC (press Ctrl+K) and online help
so if you need to output, say, red on yellow, you'll have \0034,8text\003
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i think he knows americans spell it different, and that was a stab at their poor spelling perhaps
seeing "color" actually annoys me.
if ur gonna borrow a language, borrow it right
minted wrote:i think he knows americans spell it different, and that was a stab at their poor spelling perhaps
seeing "color" actually annoys me.
if ur gonna borrow a language, borrow it right
LOL YUp! I have American relatives and I cannot stand (irritates me to no end) their phonetic spelling.
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