I have a problem with my Identify Script. It seems to me that my bot tries to identify itself every minute. And so the partyline is full with: "You are already identified."
How can I change it? This is my script:
Code: Select all
##################### Identify Script for Eggdrop 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.x #######################
################################# HOW TO INSTALL #######################################
# Just type in the Settings and add Nickserv as a user in the userlist with the right host
# and give him the flag "I".. and you're done :)
####### SETTINGS ########
set botnick_pass "hidden"
set bot_nick "hidden"
set nickserv_nick "NickServ"
set keep-nick 1
bind notc - "*you*nick*" nick_in_use
bind notc - "*nick*use*" nick_in_use
bind notc - "*ill*nick*" nick_in_use
bind notc I "*msg*IDENTIFY*pass*" identify_to_nickserv
proc nick_in_use { nick uhost hand args rest } {
global botnick botnick_pass bot_nick nickserv_nick
if { $botnick != "$bot_nick" } {
putserv "PRIVMSG $nickserv_nick :ghost $bot_nick $botnick_pass"
putlog "Nick \002\[$bot_nick\]\002 is in use... Ghosting..."
proc identify_to_nickserv { nick uhost hand args rest } {
global botnick botnick_pass bot_nick nickserv_nick
if { $botnick == "$bot_nick" } {
putserv "PRIVMSG $nickserv_nick :identify $botnick_pass"
putlog "Identifying for nick \002\[$bot_nick\]\002"
} else {
putlog "The nick \002\[$botnick\]\002 is not the nick specified in identify.tcl"
bind dcc o identify manual_identify
proc manual_identify { hand idx mascara } {
global nickserv_nick botnick_pass bot_nick
putserv "PRIVMSG $nickserv_nick :identify $botnick_pass"
putlog "Identifying manualy for nick \002\[$bot_nick\]\002"
putlog "NickServ Identify Script by DrLinux - Loaded."