!add - You can either !add or !add a/b - It'll randomlly pick you in a team if you don't type anything but !add - Providing the team randomly picked doesn't have 5 players it'll add it, else it'll add it to the other team, and !add a/b will add them providing the team is not full, itll tell them if full. When both teams are full it'll announce it in the channel and unset the vars(I wil sort the rest)
!remove - will remove you from a/b if they are in.
!teams - will do
[bot] Team 1: nick - nick - nick - untaken(for eg.) - nick Team 2: etc...
So basicially it'll list teams.
I can give you a bouncer if nessesary, would really appreciate it - I'm too confused to do it myself
if {[llength $teams(A)] < [llength $teams(B)]} {
set team A
} elseif {[set size [llength $teams(A)]] == [llength $teams(B)] && $size < 5} {
set team [lindex {A B} [rand 2]]
} {
set team B