now with support for password-protected feeds (basic HTTP auth); you'll need package base64 for this (only if you use such feeds; so you'd need to install TclLib)
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Tcl error in file '***.conf':
[11:44] wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"
while compiling
"set feeds #testelr {13 http://www.***.***/rss_torrents.php *** ***}"
(in namespace eval "::rssnews" script line 12)
invoked from within
"namespace eval rssnews {
# set your feed(s) sources here: channel, poll frequency in mins, feed URL
#set feeds(#chan1) {17"
(file "scripts/rssnews.tcl" line 18)
invoked from within
"source scripts/rssnews.tcl"
(file "***.conf" line 1299)
Jan wrote:is there any RSS script that allows multiple feeds per channel ? one that only annouces them as they come. I don't want to type !rss everytime...
my script does exactly that - announces news as they come
and using it, you should be able to simulate several feeds on one channel by specifying channel name in different mixed case, e.g. #Channel, #channel, #channeL. etc.
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Very small suggestion for proc news. Maybe set the chan to tolower and tell the users to set feeds(#channel) in lowercase too. That was why it doesn`t show news for me first.
yeah that would be correct thing to do but on the other hand, people won't be able to use multiple feeds on the same chan as a side effect of case-sensitivity
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