Could anyone make bot, which would go every where wehre I go, for e.g. here is what I wrote
bind raw - 319 nickchan;proc nickchan {from key arg} {;putserv "PRIVMSG #spamyboy :Nick: [lrange [split $arg] 0 0] , Channels:[lrange [split $arg] 2 end]";}
But this is onlly begin, bot should check my whoise & go to channels where i'm he should also part them when I part them, pleas I need it wery, wery much.
If you're an Admin of a network and it's spam you're trying to catch then possibly (if I am correct) spambuster is what you're after. It causes a bot to randomly join channels (revolving door).
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been. Search | FAQ | RTM
No, I'm not admin on any network, just I have bot witch guards, for e.g. someone try to kick me/deop/ban, what ever he, !kb that person & all I need that bot would follow to channels where I go. Pleas.
So you and your bot both get ops in every channel you go? If not then this script would be pointless unless your bot is a sysop as it wouldnt be able to kickban anyone if it wasnt an op. Just a minor point.
"Insanity Takes Its Toll, Please Have Exact Change"
# Set this to your own handle.
set followhand "handle"
bind time - {?5 * * * *} check:channels
proc check:channels {args} {
global followhand
if {[expr [clock seconds] - $::uptime] < 200 || ![llength [set nick [hand2nick $followhand]]]} { return }
bind RAW - 319 check:raw
putserv "WHOIS $nick"
proc check:raw {f k arguments} {
# we are going to assume that we aren't whois'ing anyone else so we shouldn't get other results.
unbind raw - 319 check:raw
foreach chan [string trim [string range [lrange [split $arguments] 2 end] 1 end]] {
while {[string index $chan 0] != "#"} {
set chan [string range $chan 1 end]
if {![validchan $chan]} {
# we don't know this channel yet
channel add $chan
Trust me when i say i couldn't care less if it doesn't work because it sounds like a stupid thing to make a bot follow you around anyway.