I am using psybnc on my server.
Suddenly today I can not DCC CHAT anyone. I use iroffer, so I need the DCC Chat. Everything worked great until this morning, but now, nothing. I just get connection refused. I checked the iroffer log, and it is authorizing my connection, so its strictly a DCCing issue. In addition, I can not DCC CHAT anyone. On my same computer, if I open a regular connectiont to Efnet, I can DCC CHAT just fine.
I am not concerned with privacy, I don't care if my IP is open to the other end, so I tried turning off the DCC options int he config.h file, but that did not help.
I am running "psyBNC2.3.2-5.tar.gz" The reason I am using the older version, is because I had trouble getting 2.3.2-7 to properly allow me to connect to multiple networks.
Does anyone have any advice for me??