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[22:09] *** NeoLuddite was kicked by RaZorBlAde (Colours are

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by mike938 »

how do i turn that off, i really need to
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Post by ppslim »

Remove the script that does it.

That isn't part of standard eggdrop.

Post by mike938 »

its a windrop and i think it is part of it built in

Post by mike938 »

o it is a script found it
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Post by ppslim »

Due to the pre-compiled nature of windrops, they could be hiding backdoors.

It is sugested that you download them from known locations like

These (while not guarenteed), will be free from backdoors.

Post by mike938 »

i got it from there
and how do i get that auto kick off
the script wasn't the problem
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Post by ppslim »

The script was the problem, you just havn't removed the script fully.

When you remove the loading command from the config file, that is all you are doing. The same applies on a .rehash. The script is still in memory.

To fix this, totaly restart the bot.

Post by |KeF| »

On 2001-10-14 22:31, ppslim wrote:
Due to the pre-compiled nature of windrops, they could be hiding backdoors.
Do you look in every sourcecode in every program you compile? who says that opensource can't contain backdoors? :wink:
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Post by stdragon »

Look at a piece of the code that interests you. If a couple thousand people each look at a piece of it, any backdoors will probably be found. So not everybody has to look at it, and nobody has to look at *all* of it, but it's still pretty safe.
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Post by guppy »

On 2001-10-24 14:25, |KeF| wrote:

Do you look in every sourcecode in every program you compile? who says that opensource can't contain backdoors? :wink:
No, but I don't run software from untrusted groups that have their reputation at stake if they were found to be hiding backdoors.
We know Eggdrop is 100% backdoor free -- there is the odd bug that turns into a remote exploit (not sure when the last one was .. must be long ago) -- but eggdrop is backdoor free but who knows about windrops .. would be an easy target for someone to pollute.