Hey me and my friends run a stealthbot on battle.net that we report game wins and losses on as well as a player database with a rating and ranking system. We are interested in moving the whole operation over to IRC. We are running a vbscript right now. We were wondering if eggdrop support timed events (i.e. Do this, then 5 seconds later, do that)? As well, the programming for IHL is very indepth, and would require an advanced understanding of TCL to do so does TCL supports object orientated programming?
Actually we want to keep our current scipt as much as possible because of how big the task is of converting it from vbscript to TCL. How would we go about porting our vbscript from stealthbot to an eggdrop bot?
TCL and VBscript are different languages.
It's similar to a book, a book written in french needs to be rewritten for german.
Sounds like you have a huge recoding project ahead of you.
There are several people on this board that can do the work for you, however do not expect them to do it for free.