I have been working with mysqltcl for a few days now, but I just can't get it done!
What I am looking for, is that the bot join several channels which are in a MySQL database. The table is called channels. It has 2 elements: ID and NAME. Name is the name of the channel.
Which one of you can write a script with use of mysqltcl that he joins the channels which are in the database? I just can't get it done.
Thanks alot! I would really appreciate it:
Greetings, T-Xorcist
PS: I had this script:
Code: Select all
set mysql(conn) [mysqlconnect -user mysqluser -db tbot -password xxxxxx]
foreach res [mysqlsel $mysql(conn) {select name from channels} -flatlist] {
channel add $res
putquick "JOIN :$res"
mysqlclose $mysql(conn)