#Put Your Server Identify Command
set identcmd "IDENTIFY"
#Put Your Bot Nick Password"
set identpass "password"
#Put Your NickServ Services Nick
set nickserv "NickServ"
# Change this to what nickserv says on connection
bind notc - "This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your" identify:notc
#It's Okay Right Now ... Never Change It If U Are Beginner In Tcl Scripts
proc identify:notc { nick uhost handle text dest } {
global botnick nickserv identcmd identpass
if { $nick == $nickserv } {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nickserv $identcmd $identpass"
putlog "Identifying : $nickserv (as $botnick)"
putlog "8,2Nick Identify Script Has Been Loaded make by Blue ... Repaired By Xenogear"
How Can I have this script, op the bot in ALL channels that the bot has access in?
On another network it was a command that nickserv had
gah! I really appriciate the help, but I am really not good at TCL scripting. Is there anyone who could rewrite the script, so everything works as it should??
DJmart wrote:gah! I really appriciate the help, but I am really not good at TCL scripting. Is there anyone who could rewrite the script, so everything works as it should??
Sorry for being such a noob
no, you have not provided the notice received after identifying is complete
I wonder why I didnt think on that way! Sometimes eggdrop forgets its need for op (return 0/1 seems not to influence it), so it might be a good idea to instantly request it on success auth during a server session. I allowed myself to include that idea in my own script (chanservneed) .