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Notes script.

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Notes script.

Post by theplop »

I am looking for a script that will give the message as soon as the person speaks. So if i left a message for bob, it would be delivered as soon as bob spoke. It also lets you know who left the message.

If possible, make it so that if you saved a note to "slack" it would deliver it to anyone whos nick starts with slack, eg: slackware and slacker.

This make sense?

!note <nick> <message>

<@i2tb>!note bob hi bob, how are you?
<@Fat-X>*note has been saved*
<@i2tb> dude
<@DanMan> wassup?
<bob>Hi guys
<@Fat-X>bob: hi bob, how are you? -- i2tb (2h4m ago)
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Post by whittinghamj »

this is a message script I have been using on my bot for a long time now. It does exactly what you need. This is NOT my own code but from the TCL dump.

Code: Select all

bind pub -|- "!msg" mess_do
bind pub -|- "!messages" mess_lista
bind pubm - * mess_join
bind time - "20 * * * *" mess_sort
bind pub v|o "!messaging" mess_info
bind msg -|- "!msg" mess_do_inmsg

set message_db "scripts/fserv/msg.dat"
set message_whodid ""

proc mess_info {nick host hand chan arg} {
	puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Recepients list: !messages"
	puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Leaving message: !msg <nick> <message>"

proc mess_sort {a c d e f} {
	global message_db
	set t_count [clock clicks -milliseconds]
	set filemuvelet [open $message_db r]
	set osszesuzenet ""
	while {![eof $filemuvelet]} {
		set konkretuzenet [gets $filemuvelet]
		if {[info exists konkretuzenet]&&$konkretuzenet!=""} {
			lappend osszesuzenet [split $konkretuzenet " "]
	close $filemuvelet
	set osszesuzenet [lsort -index 1 $osszesuzenet]
	set filemuvelet [open $message_db w]
	foreach konkretuzenet $osszesuzenet {
		puts $filemuvelet [join $konkretuzenet " "]
	close $filemuvelet
	putlog "!message Done with sorting of data on the database ($message_db)->[expr double([clock clicks -milliseconds]-$t_count)/1000]s"
proc mess_do_inmsg {nick uhost hand rest} {
global botnick
putlog "mess_do_inmsg: $rest"
	set rest [split $rest " "]
	set cimzett [lindex $rest 0]
	if {$cimzett == ""} {
		puthelp "NOTICE $nick :The right format: !msg <nick> <message>"
	} else {
		mess_write $nick $cimzett [lrange $rest 1 end] "MSG"
		puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Message for $cimzett accepted"
proc mess_do {nick host hand chan args} {
	set args [lindex $args 0]
	set args [split $args " "]
	set cimzett [lindex $args 0]
	if {$cimzett == ""} {
		puthelp "NOTICE $nick :The right format: !msg <nick> <message>"
	} else {
		if {[onchan $cimzett $chan]} {
			set mwhom $cimzett
			set mmoo [finduser "*![getchanhost $mwhom $chan]"]
			if {[validuser $mmoo]} {
				set cimzett $mmoo
				#putlog "uj uzenet $cimzett botuser szamara"
			} else {
				#putlog "uj uzenet $cimzett nick szamara"
		mess_write $nick $cimzett [lrange $args 1 end] $chan
		puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Message for $cimzett accepted"

proc mess_write { nick cimzett uzenet csatorna } {
	global message_db
	set cimzett [string tolower $cimzett]
	if {![file exists $message_db]} {
		file mkdir [lindex [split $message_db /] 0]
		set filemuvelet [open $message_db w+]
		puts $filemuvelet "Hadace !messaging database file created"
	} else {
		set filemuvelet [open $message_db a]
	set systemTime [clock seconds]
	set ido [clock format $systemTime -format {%d.%m.%Y. %H.%M:}]
	puts $filemuvelet "$nick $cimzett $csatorna $ido [join $uzenet] "
	close $filemuvelet

proc mess_join { nick uhost hand chan args } {
	#puthelp "NOTICE HeyBaby : $nick $uhost $hand $chan $args"
	if {$hand != "*"} {
		set explain [string tolower $hand]
	} else {
		set explain [string tolower $nick]
	global message_db message_whodid
	if {![info exists message_whodid]} {
		set message_whodid ""
	set nick [string tolower $nick]
	set filemuvelet [open $message_db r]
	set osszesuzenet ""
	while {![eof $filemuvelet]} {
		gets $filemuvelet konkretuzenet
		set konkretuzenet [split $konkretuzenet " "]
		if {[string equal -nocase [lindex $konkretuzenet 1] $explain]} {
			lappend osszesuzenet [join $konkretuzenet " "]
	close $filemuvelet
	set count 0
	if {[llength $osszesuzenet]==1} {
		set uzente [split [lindex $osszesuzenet 0] " "]
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :[lindex $uzente 0] says at [join [lrange [split [lindex $osszesuzenet 0] " "] 2 end]]"
		incr count
	} else {
		foreach konkretuzenet $osszesuzenet {
			incr count
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :[lindex $konkretuzenet 0]\[${count}] says at [join [lrange [split $konkretuzenet " "] 2 end]]"
	if {$count == 0} { 
	} else {
		lappend message_whodid [list $explain [string tolower $chan]]
		set explain [message_filterstr $explain]	;# Don't allow code to be executed
		set chan [message_filterstr $chan]	;# ensure []s are properly handled...
		mess_delete $explain
proc message_filterstr { data } {
	regsub -all -- \\\\ $data \\\\\\\\ data
	regsub -all -- \\\[ $data \\\\\[ data	
	regsub -all -- \\\] $data \\\\\] data
	regsub -all -- \\\} $data \\\\\} data
	regsub -all -- \\\{ $data \\\\\{ data
	regsub -all -- \\\" $data \\\\\" data
	return $data

proc mess_delete { cimzett {remnum "all"}} {
	global message_db
	set cimzett [string tolower $cimzett]
	set filemuvelet [open $message_db r]
	set osszesuzenet ""
	set count 1
	if {$remnum == "all"} {
		while {![eof $filemuvelet]} {
			gets $filemuvelet konkretuzenet
			if {![string equal -nocase [lindex [split $konkretuzenet] 1] $cimzett]} {
				lappend osszesuzenet $konkretuzenet
	} else {
		while {![eof $filemuvelet]} {
			gets $filemuvelet konkretuzenet
			if {![string equal -nocase [lindex [split $konkretuzenet] 1] $cimzett] || ($count != $remnum && $remnum != -2)} {
				if {[info exists konkretuzenet]&&$konkretuzenet!=""} {
					lappend osszesuzenet $konkretuzenet
				if {[string equal -nocase [lindex [split $konkretuzenet] 1] $cimzett]} {
				incr count
			} else {
				incr count
	close $filemuvelet
	set filemuvelet [open $message_db w]
	foreach konkretuzenet $osszesuzenet {
		puts $filemuvelet $konkretuzenet
	close $filemuvelet

proc mess_lista {nick host hand chan args} { 
	global message_db
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :\[ Recepients list \]"
	set lista ""
	set filemuvelet [open $message_db r]
	while {![eof $filemuvelet]} {
		lappend lista [lindex [split [gets $filemuvelet] " "] 1]
	close $filemuvelet
	foreach {a b c d e f g} [lsort -unique $lista] {
		putserv "NOTICE $nick :Recepients: $a $b $c $d $e $f $g"
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :\[ end of the list \]" 
I hope this helps you. I have modded this script a little from its original state and it works perfectly. Any questions drop me a line.
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Post by DragnLord »

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Post by theplop »

Thanks for the replies.

It looks as though the two scripts are very similar.

whittinghamj, i will be sticking with yours.
ok, now i was wondering if you could give me a hand tweeking it a bit.

1. i would like it to display thier note in the channel and not in a private message.

2. i would like to re-arrange how the note is formatted. instead of " ex_ex says at #teamvatican 09.06.2006. 11.12: stupid notes" something more like (in the channel) "<to nick:> <message> <from nick> <how long ago>"

I don't expect you guys to do if for me, so i will be trying to do it myself, though I'm not very good at TCL, and help is very much appreciated.

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Post by theplop »

ok the part i'm having trouble with is understanding what each part of the note delivery does.

Code: Select all

puthelp "PRIVMSG #channel :[lindex $uzente 0] says at [join [lrange [split [lindex $osszesuzenet 0] " "] 2 end]]" 
I got it to display to the channel by replacing $nick with #channel

Now, i'm trying to figure out what each part is.

<@Fat-S> ex_ex[3] says at #teamvatican 09.06.2006. 12.07: hi, this is my note

I noticed that the channel name, and timestamp are dropped into the database when the note is stored.

Code: Select all

 puts $filemuvelet "$nick $cimzett $csatorna $ido [join $uzenet] "
i changed that to read

Code: Select all

 puts $filemuvelet "$cimzett : [join $uzenet]  -- $nick $ido "
which looks like this:
kilroy : did you get any messages? -- ex_ex @ 09. 13.40

Now i seem to have broken the trigger that catches when the person speaks. I am still looking for it, and will post my finding when i get them.
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