It just disapears and the letter after it too ?! The problem is not only with bot commands. I am useing chanrelay.TCL - so when somebody types "я" the same problem apperas. And it's not from the TCL. Everythime, everywhere there is the same problem with this "я" (not with capitalized "Я").[13:57:13] *** [ exoexo ] .msg exoexo бялото е БЯЛО
[13:57:13] *** [ MyEgg ] msg to exoexo: бото е БЯЛО
There is no problem when it is used in putserv "PRIVMSG somebody : я", or it is in $args from bind, only when it is used from some internal procedure ot eggdrop, in TCL written procedures everything is ok.
HELP! I need do solve that problem to use cyrillic fonctionality of bot.