bind pub o|o !ident ident_script
proc ident_script { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
set txt [split $arg]
set player [lindex $txt 0]
append ident "*!*" [getchanhost $player $chan]
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$ident"
It's a stupid script i wrote, because i had some problems with an invite script that also uses getchanhost...
But I discovered that the script above only works good if my eggdrop is only on 1 channel... If I try the script when my eggdrop is on multiple channels, the bot output is:
There is no more information, everything can be assumed .
- the topic/function I am talking about is 'getchanhost'
- the channel argument of course refers to '$chan'
- and optional means, you can remove it
- hint means: try and see what happens!
whats the result? still "*!*"? If its "*!*" there is no such nick on any channel the bot is on. Otherwise you would have found a bug in eggdrop which I cannot reproduce. Make sure there are no invisible characters involved (maybe use stripcodes?!).