My question as follow:
I had installed windop 3.2 to my eggdrop and rehash it.. its doenst work and keep showing the error msg in my eggdrop partyline as:
Code: Select all
[09:23] Tcl error [dopChecktask]: mysqlsel/db server: No Database Selected.
I changed "package require mysqltcl" by "package require mysql" and rehash. My eggdrop crash and shown the error msg as follow:4. Load the windopsql tcl on your eggdrop and rehash it. You may get problem saying that mysqltcl module doesn't exist (but you installed the mysqltcl module).. Go into the tcl and change the line "package require mysqltcl" by "package require mysql". Then, do .mysqlconnect to make the eggdrop connect to the mysql database.
I changed back "package require mysql" to "package require mysqltcl". Bot start working back and i type .mysqlconnect in partyline.. error msg displayed in partyline as follow:<iStreamBot> [16:53] _-¯->Windop version 3.2 ( has been loaded<-¯-_
<iStreamBot> [16:53] _-¯->This software is free software under the terms of GNU GPL 2<-¯-_
<iStreamBot> [16:53] Tcl error in file 'istream.conf':
<iStreamBot> [16:53] can't find package mysql
<iStreamBot> while executing
<iStreamBot> "package require mysql"
<iStreamBot> (file "scripts/windopSQL-0.1BETA.tcl" line 22)
<iStreamBot> invoked from within
<iStreamBot> "source scripts/windopSQL-0.1BETA.tcl"
<iStreamBot> (file "istream.conf" line 138)
DCC session closed
By here, I was thinking that may be my shell dint have mysqltcl install yet which required for this windoptcl to work. But i still met some problem while installing mysqltcl-3.02 which get from[09:28] Tcl error [dopsqlDccConnect]: mysqluse/db server: Unknown database 'windopdb'
The following is the error message i get while installing mysqltcl-3.02 in putty.
I doubt i have problem wif mysqltcl installation. Hope somebody could help me with this as well.$ cd mysqltcl-3.02
$ ./configure
checking for correct TEA configuration... ok (TEA 3.5)
checking for Tcl configuration... configure: WARNING: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions
The follow is the Help/install documentation included in the package of windopfull3.2:
??How to install??
Note: You must have the mysqltcl(1) package for tcl installed on the box and apache+php+mysql.
1. Install the Windopsql tcl on your eggdrop
2. In your windop tcl, go to the line where it's written set dop(mysqladddon) 0 and put it to 1
3. Import the windopdb.sql into your mysql database (using the direct command or with phpMyAdmin) and configure the website (includes/ and the windopsql tcl.
4. Load the windopsql tcl on your eggdrop and rehash it. You may get problem saying that mysqltcl module doesn't exist (but you installed the mysqltcl module).. Go into the tcl and change the line "package require mysqltcl" by "package require mysql". Then, do .mysqlconnect to make the eggdrop connect to the mysql database
5. Put the website in a directory accessible via the web...
6. On irc, so get the bot listen you back, set your password using the pass command. It will add you to the database
IMPORTANT NOTE: The installation of this script will make your channel setting and user (pass and access) reset. Mysql has to get all the new information. You may get problem to logon, then, change your password using the pass command.
(1) MysqlTcl available on
That's all for my question for about Windop 3.2 tcl for my eggdrop. Hope I could get the help as soon as possible. Thank you!