Judging by your IP there EricBot ( you're behind a NAT system. Make sure you've setup your ports correctly and that whatever client you're using gets your WAN ip. This is more than likely one of the most common problems that users run up against while trying to CHAT with their bots.
Try to send/receive a file with a friend, or dcc chat/receive with a friend. If your client allows that then you need to tinker the bot's server's port forwarding some. If not, then you need to tinker your machine's port forwarding some. Either way I'd almost bet that this is a routing issue.
check out "NAT-IP", its supposed to be the external not the internal IP.
Now this is where things get odd hehe. I have my nat-ip set to "" and I can communicate with my bot through /dcc chat just fine. No one else has any problems with it either.
# If you have a NAT firewall (you box has an IP in one of the following
# ranges:,,
# and your firewall transparently changes your
# address to a unique address for your box) or you have IP masquerading
# between you and the rest of the world, and /dcc chat, /ctcp chat or
# userfile sharing aren't working, enter your outside IP here. Do not
# enter anything for my-ip or my-hostname if you use this setting.
#set nat-ip ""
The above taken from eggdrop.conf and it does mention "outside IP".
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