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murf's weather script v2112 =p

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Post by rosc2112 »

Another bit of fixing and some minor tweaks:

## Jul 20 2006 - Got rid of 'channel udef' junk, YAY! Now just need to add channels to 'set weatherchans'

- Added formatting to Precip code output, no more tabs.
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v3a is here <YAY>

Post by rosc2112 »

I've finished porting this script to the http package. And as an added bonus, you can choose to use either the socket code, or the http package with a config option. Many other enhancements, and much changed throughout.

This is a beta release and testing/bug reporting is appreciated :)

Will also upload to the archives after a few days/weeks of testing =)
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Post by rosc2112 »

More tweakage: Switches are no longer mutually exclusive, and can be used in any combination to show their respective outputs (except for -d to set defaults.)

Eg, .wz -t -s -m -p -r will show time, sun, moon, precip and record data if available. .wzf -t -s -m -p -r will show all plus the forecast.
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Post by rosc2112 »

This script is a damn obsession: More tweaks :)
- Fixed max_forecast to adjust for locations with less than $max_forecast lines.
- Added option to show help for switches when also using seperate binds (as for .moon, .sun, etc)
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Post by rosc2112 »

Wunderground changed the html format for lunar phase dates, today it seems :P

They've been changing the html quite a bit lately..Expect frequent updates to the script :)
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Post by rosc2112 »

Jul 26 2006 -

- Fixed -o output, I forgot to add the switch for it back into wz_parse when re-writing..doh :P

- Test for alpha chars in numerics in final output (shouldn't be any, except when wunderground changes their html and it throws alpha chars into the regex's, which would otherwise break [expr]
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get yer redhot bugfix - v3i

Post by rosc2112 »

Fixed Lunar date regexp to accomodate wunderground's weekly rotation of format.

Also fixed some handling of empty vars or vars set to "-" for [expr] operations in output.
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Post by thegleek »

DragnLord wrote:Interesting that you have used my script for most of "your" coding and give no credit for that.
I request that, since you don't want to credit my work, that you download murf's 3.4.1 script
off the archive and go from there.
rosc2112 wrote:Its at the bottom. I tried to offer the changes to you, you didn't want them.
So I published my own copy. Take it or leave it.
I'm confused as to who is to blame here... :roll:

Code: Select all

## Script: Weather V3.5.9-a
## Orignal code by: murf
## Modified and fixed by: DragnLord

## Script: Weather V3.8.2
## Orignal code by: murf
## Maintained by: DragnLord
Seems to me murf was the original coder for this project and you took it
over DragnLord... And now you're complaining about murf stealing your
modifications to put back into the code that he originally coded? :shock:
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Post by rosc2112 »

Please post controversy in another thread. This thread is for bug reports and feature requests for the version I am maintaining.
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Post by Alchera »

@ thegleek: Please try and read forum posts carefully in future. The "discussion" you refer to was between rosc2112 and DragnLord.

The original author of this script no longer supports it and, as a result, you have choices as to which of the two scripts maintained to use.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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because you never wanna go outside!

Post by rosc2112 »

More new data features, added twilight hours, because who wants to go outside to see the weather!
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Post by redtube »

ooops got an error this morning whilst someone on channel tried for phillipines
version is 2112.3.tcl.txt latest

Observed at: Davao Airport, Philippines <span class="pwsrt" pwsid="" pwsunit="both" pwsvariable="lu" value="1155114000">5:00 PM PHT on August 09, 2006 Elev: 17m
westLondon UK[/code]
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Post by rosc2112 »

Latest version on the webpage is v3j, and I need to know what city you tried if there is still a problem in that version.
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Post by redtube »

oh soz I have the correct latest version - set wzscript "Weather v2112.3j"
and now, following that previous error, a repeat of the same city brings up no problem hmmm maybe just a one-off : Davao, Philippines (7.1°N 125.7°E)
[14:30] <car3327> Observed at: Davao Airport, Philippines 8:00 PM PHT on August 09, 2006 Elev: 17m
[14:30] <car3327> Current: Haze Temp: 27°C Wind: 11kmh(SSW) Humidity: 77%
[14:30] <car3327> Dew Point: 24°C Barometer: 1007.hPa (Rising) Ceiling: 30479
[14:30] <car3327> Sunrise: 5:31 AM PHT Set: 5:54 PM PHT Length: 12h 23m Tomorrow: 0m 20s shorter
[14:30] <car3327> [end data]
could it be sommat to do with the time being different when the call was made? bringing up the error? I dunno I'm no tcl'er Its a source problem from the weather underground I guess not your script. : Davao, Philippines (7.1°N 125.7°E)
[13:26] <car3327> Observed at: Davao Airport, Philippines <span class="pwsrt" pwsid="" pwsunit="both" pwsvariable="lu" value="1155114000">5:00 PM PHT on August 09, 2006 Elev: 17m
[13:26] <car3327> Current: Light Rain Temp: 28°C Wind: 11kmh(SSW) Humidity: 79%
[13:26] <car3327> Dew Point: 25°C Barometer: 1006.hPa (Falling) Ceiling: 30479
[13:26] <car3327> Sunrise: 5:31 AM PHT Set: 5:54 PM PHT Length: 12h 23m Tomorrow: 0m 20s shorter
[13:26] <car3327> [end data]
Dave R.
west London
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Post by rosc2112 »

If you see the problem again, try to get the html source page from wunderground so I can look at the strings and fix the regexp if needed. I can't seem to duplicate the problem at the moment but I'll keep my eyes open for it.
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