Code: Select all
#Game created from bordness #
#its called destroy script #
#with the help of Xhiron,Supergeek,Superior #
#monie @ Friendcodes IRC # #
#channels="#NintendoXG,#Friendcodes,#IRCsupport,#eggdrop" #
#help for making v2.0 is available #
bind pub -|- !destroy pub:destroy
proc pub:destroy {nick channel nickname uhost args } {
putquick "privmsg $channel :Destroy interface loaded..."
putquick "privmsg $channel :Loading destroy weapons..."
putquick "privmsg $channel :Targeting system aiming for $nick"
putquick "privmsg $channel :Missle system aiming at $nick"
putquick "privmsg $channel :All systems go"
putquick "privmsg $channel :Missle system went for a direct hit"
putquick "privmsg $channel :$nick went down"
putquick "privmsg $channel :Scanning for life...."
putquick "privmsg $channel :$nick didnt make it"
putquick "privmsg $channel :$nickname the job has been completed please pull up to the front window"
putlog "Monies destroy script loaded"