I got a problem, I get the following massage over and over:
[13:10] <-psyBNC> Tue Aug 15 07:10:32 :User asd (6665) has no server added
[13:10] <-psyBNC> Tue Aug 15 07:10:32 :User asd (6667) has no server added
I know this is because i got 2 more users i added (by mistake) and now i want to delete them. The problem is they have the same name as my main user which can't be deleted!
This is the message I get when i type /bwho
[13:13] <-psyBNC> * asd([wHOevERest])@??.??.???.?? [:mesa.az.us.undernet.org] :whoeverest
[13:13] <-psyBNC> ^ asd([wHOevERest])@??.??.???.?? [6665:] :Harelampie
[13:13] <-psyBNC> ^ asd([wHOevERest])@??.??.???.?? [6667:] :Harelampie
(I deleted IP for privacy)
Now, when I try to delete user asd it says:
[13:16] <-psyBNC> User asd is the Owner. He cant be deleted.
Any idea what can I do? Tnx