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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

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Post by Domin »

Okie, lets try again, i did like this:

Code: Select all

## 9 ## Swearing.

lappend ap:udefs {ap:swear "+ 99999 kb 2"}

set bwords(global) {

set swear(kmsg) "Bad word detected. \[%date\] - Banned %btime minutes ·%kcount·"

set swear(wmsg) "Ja du er ikke velkommen her mere, hvis du mener dette er sket ved en fejl så PM Domin."

## Edit the following only if you choose a punish method above 5 (oper commands):

set swear(ktype) 2

set swear(klmsg) "Swearing is not permissable on this network."

set swear(ktime) 0
But if i edit this list, and do a ap:reset or any other way to get it to read the standard from the script it wont work, since the script dont seems to be able to reset the aplist file in the scripts dir, if i delete that manualy then it will take the settings from the tcl file again, hope this makes it more cleare as to what i mean.

I discoverede this becous i initialy loaded the script with the default settings from you, but no matter what i did and how i edited the list it still had the words you put in the bad words list, until i deleted the aplist file.

Btw, what is the difference between *word* and "*word*" ??
Domin @ efnet
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Alchera wrote:
# Comment these two lines if you wish to enable the .tcl and .set commands.
# If you select your owners wisely, you should be okay enabling these.
unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
unbind dcc n set *dcc:set
Restart your bot after doing the above and ".set errorInfo" will be available.
Domin: That's exactly what I said
Sir_Fz wrote:AllProtection will override the default settings (for the lists) if they exist in the aplists file, that's why you need to use the .ap:add command to edit lists.
You need to add them via the .ap:add command and not by editing the script (that's why I added the DCC command!).

There's no difference at all between *bla* and "*bla*", you don't need the quotes unless the word contains spaces (for example: "*bla you*").
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Post by exhuman »

Please help me to understand this codes, an how i resolve it. I using Beta of AllProtection

(18:10) · (Cosa_Nostra · [12:42] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins bidents]: no value given for parameter "chan" to "scan"
(18:10) · (Cosa_Nostra · [12:42] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins clones]: no value given for parameter "hand" to "scan"
(18:10) · (Cosa_Nostra · [12:43] Tcl error [::AllProtection::control]: no value given for parameter "hand" to "scan"
(18:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · [12:43] Tcl error [::AllProtection::parts partmsgs]: can't read "v": no such variable
(18:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · [12:43] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins bidents]: no value given for parameter "chan" to "scan"
(18:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · [12:43] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins clones]: no value given for parameter "hand" to "scan"
(18:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · [12:44] Tcl error [::AllProtection::control]: no value given for parameter "hand" to "scan"
(18:12) · (Cosa_Nostra · [12:45] Tcl error [::AllProtection::control]: no value given for parameter "hand" to "scan"
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Post by Alchera »

exhuman: You have been asked once already to post the results of .set errorInfo, so why haven't you?

It would also appear that you have not unloaded another channel protection script (?) properly. In many cases a ".rehash" will not have the desired effect; ".restart" your bot instead.
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Post by Alchera »

[16:52] Tcl error [::AllProtection::notc notcl]: Usage: masktype <nick!user@host> [type]
A quick look at the 'masktype' proc indicates why:

Code: Select all

proc masktype {name {type 3}} { 
 if {[scan $name {%[^!]!%[^@]@%s} nick user host]!=3} { 
  error "Usage: masktype <nick!user@host> \[type\]" 
.. unless a ban type of 3 is set an error will be generated.

My settings (note that some bans are set type 3):
Cendrillon User defined channel strings:
Cendrillon ap:textl: {5:2 15 k:kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:textc: {215:3 30 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:notcl: {1:3 30 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:notcc: {200:3 30 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:caps: {60:90 15 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:codes: {r:35 b:80 u:80 c:80 30 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:repeatl: {3:10 15 k:kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:repeatc: {25 15 w:k:kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:adv: {+ 30 kb 3}
Cendrillon ap:swear: {+ 15 kb 3}
Cendrillon ap:bnicks: {+ 15 3}
Cendrillon ap:drones: {+ 30 0 2}
Cendrillon ap:bidents: {+ 15 3}
Cendrillon ap:bchans: {- 30 kb 3}
Cendrillon ap:echans: {0 30 w:kb 3}
Cendrillon ap:ctcps: {2:30 30 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:cjoin: {3:2 30 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:massd: {5:1 10 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:massk: {8:2 10 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:massb: {18:2 30 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:partmsgs: {180 30 kb 3}
Cendrillon ap:partmsgc: {r:35 b:35 u:35 c:35 30 kb 3}
Cendrillon ap:revdoor: {30 15 3}
Cendrillon ap:limit: 6
Cendrillon ap:nickf: {4:12 30 w:k:kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:clones: {0 30 kb 2}
Cendrillon ap:btextl: {15:7 mR-k lines.flood 60}
Cendrillon ap:btextc: {550:3 mR-k chars.flood 60}
Cendrillon ap:bnotcl: {4:2 mR-k lines.flood 60}
Cendrillon ap:bnotcc: {500:3 mR-k chars.flood 60}
Cendrillon ap:bctcp: {4:60 mR-k ctcp.flood 60}
Cendrillon ap:massjoin: {9:3 mR-k join.flood 60}
Cendrillon ap:brevdoor: {5:3 mR-k revdoor.flood 60}
Cendrillon ap:bpartmsg: {5:3 mR-k partmsg.flood 60}
Cendrillon ap:bnickf: {5:30 mR-k nick.flood 60}
Cendrillon ap:bcodes: {25:3 mR-k codes.flood 60}
.. a channel suffered a Botnet join flood in the past couple of hours and I noticed that certain bans were set @ type 2 and others @ type 3. This event did not trigger the above error: That appeared in the log all on its own.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

That error only occurs if the name argument passed to [masktype] does not match <nick>!<user>@<host>. That shouldn't happen in AP since what's being passed to [masktype] is always $nick!$uhost. I assume that this occurs on a server-notice where the uhost matches "" (or maybe the nick). This should be tested, but unfortunately a server-notice rarely occurs. You can add a check in the notice proc(s) to see if $nick == "" or $uhost == "" then do nothing - That should solve this problem.

I'm in Belarus (europe) right now and my access to the net is limited. I'll try to work on the script but I won't be able to test it myself, all in all I'll see if I can do any changes and release a new Beta.

Take care.
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Post by Alchera »

Better to be where you are now than where you were I'd imagine.

Allah Hafiz
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Post by Alchera »

Minor bug:

Code: Select all

[10:32] * Darth-Vader sets mode +m #homec
[10:32] * Darth-Vader sets mode +R #homec
[10:32] * Darth-Vader removes channel keyword
[10:35] -Darth-Vader/#homec- Channel has been locked due to flood, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
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all protection

Post by AWoL »

The link for the all protection 4.6 beta seems to be down is there another site this can be downloaded from?
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Re: all protection

Post by Alchera »

AWoL wrote:The link for the all protection 4.6 beta seems to be down is there another site this can be downloaded from?

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Post by AWoL »

Solved thank you
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Post by TRaSH »

i got a question about the clone detector,
in my channle i allow clones for people who are voiced.
can i exempt them seperatly from the clone detection ?
because i don't want to exempt them of the rest of the rules.
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clone detector

Post by AWoL »

At the top of the script, the author shows the exemptions that are automatically given, and further down you can set additional flags to exempt.

# * AllProtection exempts channel ops, friends (+f) and masters (+mo) from protection by default.
# That means users with the +f or +mo flags will not be affected by any protection.
# (You can add hosts to the +f handle if you don't want the bot to ban them). To prevent from banning
# ChanServ, add chanserv to your bot with the +f or +mo flag.

# Set here any additional exempts, you can use one of the following:
# 0: Neither voices nor halfops are exempted from punishment
# 1: Voices are exempted from punishment
# 2: Halfops are exempted from punishment
# 3: Both halfops and voices are exempted from punishment
set exmptype 3
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Post by TRaSH »

but when i set it to option 1 or 3,
doesn't it mean a voiced user also can txt- flood the channel without getting punished ?
because i got it on set on 2 and the halfops in my channel that i didn't add to the bots users list with a +f are protected now also from every rule in the script.
so that doesn't seem to work then.
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Post by Alchera »

Bots users with +f flags set will always be exempt from punishment; the script checks bot access as well as channel status.

Setting the exempt type to 3 works well if one does not wish to punish half-ops and voices. Only trusted users get either status anyway so there should be no problems.
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