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on join issue CTCP LAG command and kick on reply

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:50 am

on join issue CTCP LAG command and kick on reply

Post by DOUGHBOY »

Was just wondering if anyone would be able to script up a TCL for the newest rls of eggdrop as I'm just learning to use TCL and have not quite got the understanding needed to get what i want...I'm lookng for a script that will send a CTCP LAG command to a user ON JOIN and if replyed to with LAG it will auto kick them with a customizable message this script would be used to help detect Xdcc-Catchers in a channel...I have looked at the AntiXBC.tcl but the bot would need to be an IRCop in order for that to work and all attempts at modding that file to fit my needs have failed
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