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Users are Getting Kicked due to Chan Flood-SOLVED

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Users are Getting Kicked due to Chan Flood-SOLVED

Post by MIODude »

How do I stop this? People are being kicked, yet I think i have channel flood protection disabled.

I start using ./eggdrop eggdrop.conf (I never renamed it)

I have this in the conf file for the areas that I see flood-chan settings.

# The following settings are used as default values when you .+chan #chan or .tcl
# channel add #chan. Look in the section below for explanation of every option.

set global-flood-chan 0:0 <--- so disabled
I have this set here
# Add each static channel you want your bot to sit in using the following
# command. There are many different possible settings you can insert into
# this command, which are explained below.
channel add #UNO {
chanmode "+nt-likm"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
revenge-mode 0
ban-time 120
exempt-time 60
invite-time 60
aop-delay 5:30
need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG #UNO :op me cos i'm lame!" }
need-invite { putserv "PRIVMSG #UNO :let me in!" }
need-key { putserv "PRIVMSG #UNO :let me in!" }
need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG #UNO :let me in!" }
need-limit { putserv "PRIVMSG #UNO :let me in!" }
flood-chan 0:0 <-------------- disabled
flood-deop 0
flood-kick 0
flood-join 0
flood-ctcp 0
flood-nick 0

The scripts I have loading I don't see anything about flood protection in them..

here is whats happening
[10:53:pm] <TT> dr
[10:53:pm] * TT was kicked by UNO (flood)
[10:53:pm] <UNO> TT drew a card
[10:53:pm] * TT has joined #UNO
[10:53:pm] <TT> damn
[10:53:pm] <TT> dude it did it again
[10:53:pm] <TT> card
[10:53:pm] <UNO> Card In Play: Red 4
[10:53:pm] <TT> cards
[10:54:pm] <TT> pa
[10:54:pm] <UNO> TT passes to UNO
[10:54:pm] <UNO> UNO plays Green 4 to TT
[10:54:pm] <MIODude> ahh. man
[10:54:pm] <TT> pl g 8
[10:54:pm] <UNO> TT plays Green 8 to UNO
[10:54:pm] <UNO> UNO plays Yellow 8 to TT
[10:54:pm] <MIODude> ...
[10:54:pm] <TT> lol
[10:54:pm] <TT> pl y 6
[10:54:pm] <UNO> TT plays Yellow 6 to UNO
[10:54:pm] <UNO> UNO plays Yellow 8 to TT
[10:54:pm] <TT> pl y 0
[10:54:pm] <UNO> TT plays Yellow 0 to UNO
[10:54:pm] <UNO> UNO drew a card
[10:54:pm] <UNO> UNO passes to TT
[10:54:pm] <TT> pl y 9
[10:54:pm] * TT was kicked by UNO (flood)

The person was kicked 6 times in one game.. What else do I need to look at?
Last edited by MIODude on Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alchera »

You may have disabled this in eggdrop.conf and rehashed the bot but the channel file already created is not re-written.


Code: Select all

.chanset #chan <options>
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by MIODude »

Alchera wrote:You may have disabled this in eggdrop.conf and rehashed the bot but the channel file already created is not re-written.


Code: Select all

.chanset #chan <options>
Do you mean doing this by dcc'ing into the bot and doing that command? If yes, i did that after posting this message.. hopefully this fixes it. Thanks
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Post by Azeem »

.chanset #channelname flood-chan 0

and .save then .. if this doesnt work then there must be some tcl script that would be doing this perhaps sentinel..!! or some other check which scripts ur running..!!

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Post by MIODude »

i compared my .chan file prior to me doing that with the one after me running that command, and I see now the 0:0 beside flood chan.
Thanks for your help.. I think this might have it fixed now..

hehe.. i was sure it was sentinel too when i read that script, but checked the conf file and noticed i wasn't loading it.
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