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Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Post by neilpkemp »

im currently using this script but wanted it so i can choose which channel it works in,can anyone help?

Code: Select all

#  Name:                                        Timebomb by ^DooM^
#  Eggdrop Version:     1.6.x
#  Original Author:                   
#  This is a small TCL script for Eggdrop.  Timebomb is a game where one person
#  asks the Eggdrop bot to plant a timebomb in another users pants.  The target
#  user then needs to diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire, or be
#  kicked from the channel.
#  To start the game a user must type:
#    !timebomb <nickname> || !bomb <nickname>
#  This will cause the target user to have a timebomb "stuffed in their pants"
#  once this occurs the user will have a number of seconds to diffuse the bomb.
#  Diffusing the bomb is done by typing:
#    !cutwire <colour> || !snip <colour>
#  The wire colors you can choose from are displayed when the bomb is planted.
#  This script will not allow bots (Users who are +b), or the bot running the
#  script, to be timebombed.
#  I know it sounds very silly but it is a rather fun game.
#  Additional script features by ^DooM^:
#  -------------------------------------
#  *off* = Can be turned off
#  1) If the person you !bomb guesses correctly you get booted out of the channel
#  2) Added an idle check to not allow users to be bombed if they are AFK. **
#  3) Made the bot blow itself up on occasion **
#  4) Made the bot kill a user if they try and evade the kick if the bot is opered up **
#  5) Stopped the wire count from choosing just 1 wire thats too easy.
#  6) Added a kick counter
#  7) Added random amusing counter messages
#  8) Added random placements of bomb
#  9) Added protection for "specified" nicks i.e. the owner and a non linked bot
#  10) If a user bombs himself and guesses correctly the user throws the bomb away
#  11) general bug fixes

bind  pub   -   !timebomb  doTimebomb
bind  pub   -   !bomb  doTimebomb
bind  pub   -   !cut   doCutWire
bind  pub   -   !snip      doCutWire
bind  pub   -   !defuse      Defuse

# Configuration

## Set the minimum time the bomb can have in seconds
set gTimebombMinimumDuration 15

## Set the maximum time the bomb can have in seconds
set gTimebombMaximumDuration 60

## Set the colours you wish to use
set gWireChoices "Blue Green Red Brown Purple Orange Yellow Cyan Pink Grey Black White"

## Set the maximum number of wires that they can choose from to cut.
## has to be lower than the ammount of colours set above.
set gMaxWireCount 7

## Set this to your nick if you wish to be protected from being bombed
set gOwner "SOLID"

## Set this to the nick of another person or bot to protect if you havent linked the bots
set gBot ""

## This is the file used to store the number of people blown up make sure you have read/write
## access on your shell
set gKickFile "KickCounter.log"

## Set this to 1 if you wish users who are away for X minutes to be exempt from being bombed
set gIdleOn 1

## Set the number of minutes you wish a person to be idle before they are exempt from being bombed
set gIdleTime 2

## I have coded into this script a 1 in 25 chance that the bot will blow itself up arming the bomb
## if it does it will kick itself out of the channel I thought this was highly amusing.
## Set this to 0 if you wish to disable this feature.
set gAllowBotKickSelf 1

## Set this to 1 if your bot is opered up all this feature does is /kill a nick if they try and evade
## a kick from the channel if your bot is not an oper then it will just message them 'Coward' :)
set gOperBot 1

# Set random counter reasons. Add as many as you like.

set gCounterMessage {
 {people have been blown up so far}
 {corpses are lying in the morgue}
 {people have paid with their lives}
 {times that damn bomb has exploded}
 {messy endings}
 {body parts scatter the floor}
 {people are no more}
 {green bottles hanging on the wall}
 {people have lost limbs}
 {tombstones with the words 'I should of cut the other wire' engraved for eternity}
 {people chose the wrong damn wire}
 {people commited suicide to date}
 {death certificates have been issued}
 {people got blown to smithereens}
 {people got 0wned}
 {people are crap at this}
 {peoples teeth decorate the ceiling}
 {people should of ducked}
 {people are burning in hell}
 {people didn't dodge Sentinel's rocket}
 {people got telefragged}
 {people have been forsaken by their evil god}
 {people have gone to that better place}
 {people R.I.P.}
 {people saw an intense white light as their skin melted away from their bones}
 {people were vaporised}
 {bombs were harmed during the making of this script}
 {bombs exploded leaving holes everywhere}
 {times we've scraped jam off the ceiling}
 {bombs were detonated to date}
 {weapons of mass destruction have been detonated so far}
 {times this random message procedure has been called}
 {three headed monkeys all laughed at your stupidity}
 {graves have been dug so far}
 {people wished they had taken the blue pill}
 {times someone set you up the bomb}
 {people had limbs blown off in the most excruciatingly painfull way}
 {times fire and brimstone have scorched the earth}
 {times the room has had to be repainted}
 {people realised too late that they were colour blind}

# Set random place to plant bomb. Add as many as you like.

set gPlaceBombMessage {
 {Y Fronts}
 {Eye Socket}
 {Wee Hole}

# Internal Globals Do Not Touch Unless You Know What You Are Doing....

set gTheScriptVersion "1.2"
set gTimebombActive 0
set gTimerId 0
set gTimebombTarget ""
set gTimebombChannel ""
set gCorrectWire ""
set gNumberNames "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve"
set gStarter ""
set gKickCounter 0

# Script Starts Here

proc note {msg} {
  putlog "$msg"

proc IRCKick {theNick theChannel theReason} {
    global gKickCounter gKickFile gCounterMessage gOperBot
  note "Kicking $theNick in $theChannel (Reason: $theReason)"
  if { [onchan $theNick $theChannel] } {
      #Open file and read the variable
      if { [file exists $gKickFile] == 1 } {
          set FileHandle [open $gKickFile "r"]
          set TempString [read $FileHandle]
          close $FileHandle
          set lines [split $TempString "\n"]

          set gKickCounter [lindex $lines 0]
      } else {

          # Set the kickcounter to 0 initially
          set gKickCounter 0
      set CounterMessage [lindex $gCounterMessage [rand [llength $gCounterMessage]]]
      putserv "KICK $theChannel $theNick :$theReason. ($gKickCounter $CounterMessage)"
      incr gKickCounter 1
      # Write the variable to file (remember opening with 'w' mode truncates the file contents)
      set FileHandle [open $gKickFile "w"]
      puts $FileHandle $gKickCounter
      close $FileHandle
   } elseif { $gOperBot == 1 } {
      putserv "KILL $theNick :$theReason"
   } else {
      putserv "NOTICE $theNick :Coward!!"   

proc IRCPrivMSG {theTarget messageString} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG $theTarget :$messageString"

proc IRCAction {theTarget messageString} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG $theTarget :\001ACTION $messageString\001"

proc MakeEnglishList {theList} {
  set theListLength [llength $theList]
  set returnString [lindex $theList 0]
  for {set x 1} {$x < $theListLength} {incr x} {
    if { $x == [expr $theListLength - 1] } {
      set returnString "$returnString and [lindex $theList $x]"
    } else {
      set returnString "$returnString, [lindex $theList $x]"
  return $returnString

proc SelectWires {wireCount} {
  global gWireChoices
  set totalWireCount [llength $gWireChoices]
  set selectedWires ""
  for {set x 0} {$x < $wireCount} {incr x} {
    set currentWire [lindex $gWireChoices [expr int( rand() * $totalWireCount )]]
    if { [lsearch $selectedWires $currentWire] == -1 } {
      lappend selectedWires $currentWire
    } else {
      set x [expr $x - 1]
  return $selectedWires

proc DetonateTimebomb {destroyTimer kickMessage} {
  global gTimebombTarget gTimerId gTimebombChannel gTimebombActive gPlaceBombMessage
  if { $destroyTimer } {
    killutimer $gTimerId
  set gTimerId 0
  set gTimebombActive 0
  IRCKick $gTimebombTarget $gTimebombChannel $kickMessage

proc DiffuseTimebomb {wireCut} {
  global gTimerId gTimebombActive gTimebombTarget gTimebombChannel gStarter gPlaceBombMessage
  killutimer $gTimerId
  set gTimerId 0
  set gTimebombActive 0
  set RearmDuration 2
  IRCPrivMSG $gTimebombChannel "$gTimebombTarget cut the $wireCut wire.  This has defused the bomb!"
  if { [string tolower $gTimebombTarget] == [string tolower $gStarter] } {
      IRCPrivMSG $gTimebombChannel "$gTimebombTarget Throws the bomb away"
      set gStarter ""
  } else {
      set PlaceBombMessage [lindex $gPlaceBombMessage [rand [llength $gPlaceBombMessage]]]
      IRCPrivMSG $gTimebombChannel "$gTimebombTarget ReArmed the bomb at \[4\002$RearmDuration\002\] Seconds and stuffed it into $gStarter's $PlaceBombMessage!"
      IRCKick $gStarter $gTimebombChannel "Tick Tick *BOOM!*"
      set gStarter ""

proc StartTimeBomb {theStarter theNick theChannel} {
  global gTimebombActive gTimebombTarget gTimerId gTimebombChannel gNumberNames gCorrectWire
  global gMaxWireCount gTimebombMinimumDuration gTimebombMaximumDuration gStarter gPlaceBombMessage
  set PlaceBombMessage [lindex $gPlaceBombMessage [rand [llength $gPlaceBombMessage]]]
  if { $gTimebombActive == 1 } {
    note "Timebomb not started for $theStarter (Reason: timebomb already active)"
    if { $theChannel != $gTimebombChannel } {
      IRCPrivMSG $theChannel "I don't have a single bomb to spare. :-("
    } else {
      IRCAction $theChannel "points at the bulge in the back of $gTimebombTarget's $PlaceBombMessage."
  } else {
    set timerDuration [expr $gTimebombMinimumDuration + [expr int(rand() * ($gTimebombMaximumDuration - $gTimebombMinimumDuration))]]
    set gStarter $theStarter
    set gTimebombTarget $theNick
    set gTimebombChannel $theChannel
    set numberOfWires [expr 2 + int(rand() * ( $gMaxWireCount - 1 ))]
    set listOfWires [SelectWires $numberOfWires]
    set gCorrectWire [lindex $listOfWires [expr int( rand() * $numberOfWires )]]
    set wireListAsEnglish [MakeEnglishList $listOfWires]
    set wireCountAsEnglish [lindex $gNumberNames $numberOfWires]
    IRCAction $theChannel "stuffs the bomb into $gTimebombTarget's $PlaceBombMessage.  The display reads \[4\002$timerDuration\002\] seconds."
    if { $numberOfWires == 1 } {
      IRCPrivMSG $theChannel "Defuse the bomb by using '!cut colour' Try and cut the correct wire. There is $wireCountAsEnglish wire. It is $wireListAsEnglish."
    } else {
      IRCPrivMSG $theChannel "Defuse the bomb by using '!cut colour' Try and cut the correct wire. There are $wireCountAsEnglish wires. They are $wireListAsEnglish."
    set gTimebombActive 1
    set gTimerId [utimer $timerDuration "DetonateTimebomb 0 {\002*BOOM!*\002}"]

# Eggdrop command binds

proc doCutWire {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global gTimebombActive gCorrectWire gTimebombTarget
  if { $gTimebombActive == 1 } {
    if { [string tolower $nick] == [string tolower $gTimebombTarget] } {
      if { [llength $arg] == 1 } {
        if { [string tolower $arg] == [string tolower $gCorrectWire] } {
          DiffuseTimebomb $gCorrectWire
        } else {
          DetonateTimebomb 1 "\002snip...*BOOM!*\002"

proc doTimebomb {nick uhost hand chan arg} {

  global botnick gStarter gOwner gBot gIdleTime gTimebombActive gAllowBotKickSelf gIdleOn gPlaceBombMessage
  #set gStarter $nick
  set theNick $nick
  if { [lindex [split $arg] 0] != "" } {
    set theNick [lindex [split $arg] 0]
  if { ![onchan $theNick $chan] } {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$theNick is not here maybe he has been blown up!"
  if { $gAllowBotKickSelf == 1} {
    if { $gTimebombActive == 0 } {
      if { ![rand 25] } {
        IRCKick $botnick $chan "Blew himself up Arming the bomb"
  if { $gIdleOn == 1} {
    if { [getchanidle $theNick $chan] > $gIdleTime && $theNick != $nick} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$theNick is Away. Choose another victim!"
  if { [string tolower $theNick] == [string tolower $botnick] || [string tolower $theNick] == [string tolower $gOwner] || [string tolower $theNick] == [string tolower $gBot] } {
    set theNick $nick
    StartTimeBomb $theNick $theNick $chan
  if { [validuser $theNick] == 1 } {
     if { [matchattr $theNick "+b"] == 1 } {
      set theNick $nick
      IRCKick $theNick $chan "You should not attack the bots!"
  StartTimeBomb $nick $theNick $chan

proc Defuse {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  global gTimerId gTimebombActive gTimebombTarget gTimebombChannel gStarter
  killutimer $gTimerId
  set gTimerId 0
  set gTimebombActive 0
  if { [string tolower $nick] == [string tolower $gStarter] } {
      IRCPrivMSG $gTimebombChannel "$nick defuses the bomb and throws the bomb away"
      set gStarter ""

note "timebomb $gTheScriptVersion: loaded";
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Post by demond »

insert the following as first line of doTimebomb proc:

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if {[lsearch {#yourchan1 #yourchan2} $chan] == -1} return
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>

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 tag when posting logs, code
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Post by caesar »

or something like this

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setudef flag Timebomb
place this outside any proc and this:

Code: Select all

if {![channel get $chan Timebomb]} { return }
inside the proc as first line. If you want to enable/disable the Timebomb for a specific channel just .chanset #channel +/-Timebomb
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Post by demond »

yep, caesar's even better
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>

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 tag when posting logs, code
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Post by neilpkemp »

thxs worked :)
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TimeBomb i realy like this script!

Post by groofy »

But is it possible to change !cut <color> to only color so people don't have to type !cut blue but can type blue
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Re: TimeBomb i realy like this script!

Post by Alchera »

groofy wrote:But is it possible to change !cut <color> to only color so people don't have to type !cut blue but can type blue
So, any one having a normal covsersation and just happens to mention a colour as the first word in a sentence would trigger the script every time?

Would be interesting to see in a busy channel. :lol:
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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TimeBomb i realy like this script!

Post by groofy »

not realy cos the only one that can defuse it is the one that got the bomb.
i ment only typeing the color name for defusing the bom :lol:
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Post by rosc2112 »

Just make a bind for !blue (or blue, whatever you want):

Code: Select all

bind pub - blue doCutBlue
proc doCutBlue {nick uhost hand chan text} {
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'blue' as the arg
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan blue
Something like that, for each color.
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Post by groofy »

Thanks man can i use this to change it so it will work on any color that are used in the script by repeating the code for every color. :?:

I just gonna try it to change it so maybe it will or not work :twisted:
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Post by groofy »

It's working Thanks A Lot

Now for something else maybe it's a bug i don't know, i got it running it kicks are great but it will not kick the channel owner can this be changed?
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Post by rosc2112 »

## Set this to your nick if you wish to be protected from being bombed
set gOwner "SOLID"
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Post by groofy »

Thanks but thats not what i ment i don't need protection i got +O on the channel and it can me but the ones that got +OA don't get kicked

damm i know what the problem is the bot can't kick people with more right that the bot has.

Anyway thanks for all the help i realy needed it cos this is one of the first scripts i worked on (i'm new at this scripting stuff)

in the next post i'll supply the script with the changes
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Here is the changed script as promissed

Post by groofy »

Code: Select all

# Name: Timebomb by ^DooM^ 
# Eggdrop Version: 1.6.x 
# Original Author: 
# Changes made by Groofy on 19-10-2006
# added only <color> to defuse the bomb (with some help by rosc2112)
# changed time on bomb to random time
# some changes on the text (display)
# This is a small TCL script for Eggdrop. Timebomb is a game where one person 
# asks the Eggdrop bot to plant a timebomb in another users pants. The target 
# user then needs to diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire, or be 
# kicked from the channel. 
# To start the game a user must type: 
# !timebomb <nickname> || !bomb <nickname> 
# This will cause the target user to have a timebomb "stuffed in their pants" 
# once this occurs the user will have a number of seconds to diffuse the bomb. 
# Diffusing the bomb is done by typing: 
# <colour> || !snip <colour> 
# The wire colors you can choose from are displayed when the bomb is planted. 
# This script will not allow bots (Users who are +b), or the bot running the 
# script, to be timebombed. 
# I know it sounds very silly but it is a rather fun game. 
# Additional script features by ^DooM^: 
# ------------------------------------- 
# ** = Can be turned off 
# 1) If the person you !bomb guesses correctly you get booted out of the channel 
# 2) Added an idle check to not allow users to be bombed if they are AFK. ** 
# 3) Made the bot blow itself up on occasion ** 
# 4) Made the bot kill a user if they try and evade the kick if the bot is opered up ** 
# 5) Stopped the wire count from choosing just 1 wire thats too easy. 
# 6) Added a kick counter 
# 7) Added random amusing counter messages 
# 8) Added random placements of bomb 
# 9) Added protection for "specified" nicks i.e. the owner and a non linked bot 
# 10) If a user bombs himself and guesses correctly the user throws the bomb away 
# 11) general bug fixes 

bind pub - !timebomb doTimebomb 
bind pub - !bomb doTimebomb 
bind pub - !snip doCutWire 
bind pub - blue doCutBlue 
bind pub - green doCutGreen
bind pub - red doCutRed
bind pub - brown doCutBrown
bind pub - purple doCutPurple
bind pub - orange doCutOrange
bind pub - yellow doCutYellow
bind pub - cyan doCutCyan
bind pub - pink doCutPink
bind pub - grey doCutGrey
bind pub - black doCutBlack
bind pub - white doCutWhite

# Configuration 

## Set the minimum time the bomb can have in seconds 
set gTimebombMinimumDuration 10 

## Set the maximum time the bomb can have in seconds 
set gTimebombMaximumDuration 40 

## Set the colours you wish to use 
set gWireChoices "Blue Green Red Brown Purple Orange Yellow Cyan Pink Grey Black White" 

## Set the maximum number of wires that they can choose from to cut. 
## has to be lower than the ammount of colours set above. 
set gMaxWireCount 11 

## Set this to your nick if you wish to be protected from being bombed 
set gOwner "something" 

## Set this to the nick of another person or bot to protect if you havent linked the bots 
set gBot "some" 

## This is the file used to store the number of people blown up make sure you have read/write 
## access on your shell 
set gKickFile "KickCounter.log" 

## Set this to 1 if you wish users who are away for X minutes to be exempt from being bombed 
set gIdleOn 1 

## Set the number of minutes you wish a person to be idle before they are exempt from being bombed 
set gIdleTime 5 

## I have coded into this script a 1 in 25 chance that the bot will blow itself up arming the bomb 
## if it does it will kick itself out of the channel I thought this was highly amusing. 
## Set this to 0 if you wish to disable this feature. 
set gAllowBotKickSelf 1 

## Set this to 1 if your bot is opered up all this feature does is /kill a nick if they try and evade 
## a kick from the channel if your bot is not an oper then it will just message them 'Coward' :) 
set gOperBot 1 

# Set random counter reasons. Add as many as you like. 

set gCounterMessage { 
{people have been blown up so far} 
{corpses are lying in the morgue} 
{people have paid with their lives} 
{times that damn bomb has exploded} 
{messy endings} 
{body parts scatter the floor} 
{people are no more} 
{green bottles hanging on the wall} 
{people have lost limbs} 
{tombstones with the words 'I should of cut the other wire' engraved for eternity} 
{people chose the wrong damn wire} 
{people commited suicide to date} 
{death certificates have been issued} 
{people got blown to smithereens} 
{people got 0wned} 
{people are crap at this} 
{peoples teeth decorate the ceiling} 
{people should of ducked} 
{people are burning in hell} 
{people didn't dodge Sentinel's rocket} 
{people got telefragged} 
{people have been forsaken by their evil god} 
{people have gone to that better place} 
{people R.I.P.} 
{people saw an intense white light as their skin melted away from their bones} 
{people were vaporised} 
{bombs were harmed during the making of this script} 
{bombs exploded leaving holes everywhere} 
{times we've scraped jam off the ceiling} 
{bombs were detonated to date} 
{weapons of mass destruction have been detonated so far} 
{times this random message procedure has been called} 
{three headed monkeys all laughed at your stupidity} 
{graves have been dug so far} 
{people wished they had taken the blue pill} 
{times someone set you up the bomb} 
{people had limbs blown off in the most excruciatingly painfull way} 
{times fire and brimstone have scorched the earth} 
{times the room has had to be repainted} 
{people realised too late that they were colour blind} 

# Set random place to plant bomb. Add as many as you like. 

set gPlaceBombMessage { 
{Y Fronts} 
{Eye Socket} 
{Wee Hole} 

# Internal Globals Do Not Touch Unless You Know What You Are Doing.... 

set gTheScriptVersion "1.2" 
set gTimebombActive 0 
set gTimerId 0 
set gTimebombTarget "" 
set gTimebombChannel "#psy-chat" 
set gCorrectWire "" 
set gNumberNames "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve" 
set gStarter "" 
set gKickCounter 0 

# Script Starts Here 
proc doCutBlue {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'blue' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan blue 

proc doCutGreen {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'green' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan green 

proc doCutRed {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'red' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan red 

proc doCutBrown {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'brown' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan brown 

proc doCutPurple {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'purple' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan purple 

proc doCutOrange {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'orange' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan orange 

proc doCutYellow {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'yellow' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan yellow 

proc doCutCyan {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'cyan' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan cyan 

proc doCutPink {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'pink' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan pink 

proc doCutGrey {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'grey' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan grey 

proc doCutBlack {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'black' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan black 

proc doCutWhite {nick uhost hand chan text} { 
     #pass the parameters along to the doCutWire proc with 'white' as the arg 
     doCutWire $nick $uhost $hand $chan white 

proc note {msg} { 
putlog "$msg" 

proc IRCKick {theNick theChannel theReason} { 
global gKickCounter gKickFile gCounterMessage gOperBot 
note "Kicking $theNick in $theChannel (Reason: $theReason)" 
if { [onchan $theNick $theChannel] } { 

#Open file and read the variable 
if { [file exists $gKickFile] == 1 } { 

set FileHandle [open $gKickFile "r"] 
set TempString [read $FileHandle] 
close $FileHandle 
set lines [split $TempString "\n"] 

set gKickCounter [lindex $lines 0] 

} else { 

# Set the kickcounter to 0 initially 
set gKickCounter 0 
set CounterMessage [lindex $gCounterMessage [rand [llength $gCounterMessage]]] 
putserv "KICK $theChannel $theNick :$theReason. ($gKickCounter $CounterMessage)" 
incr gKickCounter 1 

# Write the variable to file (remember opening with 'w' mode truncates the file contents) 
set FileHandle [open $gKickFile "w"] 
puts $FileHandle $gKickCounter 
close $FileHandle 
} elseif { $gOperBot == 1 } { 
putserv "KILL $theNick :$theReason" 
} else { 
putserv "NOTICE $theNick :Coward!!" 

proc IRCPrivMSG {theTarget messageString} { 
putserv "PRIVMSG $theTarget :$messageString" 

proc IRCAction {theTarget messageString} { 
putserv "PRIVMSG $theTarget :\001ACTION $messageString\001" 

proc MakeEnglishList {theList} { 
set theListLength [llength $theList] 
set returnString [lindex $theList 0] 
for {set x 1} {$x < $theListLength} {incr x} { 
if { $x == [expr $theListLength - 1] } { 
set returnString "$returnString and [lindex $theList $x]" 
} else { 
set returnString "$returnString, [lindex $theList $x]" 
return $returnString 

proc SelectWires {wireCount} { 
global gWireChoices 
set totalWireCount [llength $gWireChoices] 
set selectedWires "" 
for {set x 0} {$x < $wireCount} {incr x} { 
set currentWire [lindex $gWireChoices [expr int( rand() * $totalWireCount )]] 
if { [lsearch $selectedWires $currentWire] == -1 } { 
lappend selectedWires $currentWire 
} else { 
set x [expr $x - 1] 
return $selectedWires 

proc DetonateTimebomb {destroyTimer kickMessage} { 
global gTimebombTarget gTimerId gTimebombChannel gTimebombActive gPlaceBombMessage 
if { $destroyTimer } { 
killutimer $gTimerId 
set gTimerId 0 
set gTimebombActive 0 
IRCKick $gTimebombTarget $gTimebombChannel $kickMessage 

proc DiffuseTimebomb {wireCut} { 
global gTimerId gTimebombActive gTimebombTarget gTimebombChannel gStarter gPlaceBombMessage 
killutimer $gTimerId 
set gTimerId 0 
set gTimebombActive 0 
set RearmDuration 2 
IRCPrivMSG $gTimebombChannel "124,1:::5:0 $gTimebombTarget has cut the $wireCut wire. This has defused the bomb!0,1 5,1:4:::" 

if { [string tolower $gTimebombTarget] == [string tolower $gStarter] } { 
IRCPrivMSG $gTimebombChannel "124,1:::5:0 $gTimebombTarget Throws the bomb away0,1 5,1:4:::" 
set gStarter "" 
} else { 
set PlaceBombMessage [lindex $gPlaceBombMessage [rand [llength $gPlaceBombMessage]]] 
IRCPrivMSG $gTimebombChannel "$gTimebombTarget ReArmed the bomb at \[4\002$RearmDuration\002\] Seconds and stuffed it into $gStarter's $PlaceBombMessage!" 
IRCKick $gStarter $gTimebombChannel "Tick Tick *BOOM!*" 
set gStarter "" 

proc StartTimeBomb {theStarter theNick theChannel} { 
global gTimebombActive gTimebombTarget gTimerId gTimebombChannel gNumberNames gCorrectWire 
global gMaxWireCount gTimebombMinimumDuration gTimebombMaximumDuration gStarter gPlaceBombMessage 
set PlaceBombMessage [lindex $gPlaceBombMessage [rand [llength $gPlaceBombMessage]]] 
if { $gTimebombActive == 1 } { 
note "Timebomb not started for $theStarter (Reason: timebomb already active)" 
if { $theChannel != $gTimebombChannel } { 
IRCPrivMSG $theChannel "I don't have a single bomb to spare. :-(" 
} else { 
IRCAction $theChannel "points at the bulge in the back of $gTimebombTarget's $PlaceBombMessage." 
} else { 
set timerDuration [expr $gTimebombMinimumDuration + [expr int(rand() * ($gTimebombMaximumDuration - $gTimebombMinimumDuration))]] 
set gStarter $theStarter 
set gTimebombTarget $theNick 
set gTimebombChannel $theChannel 
set numberOfWires [expr 2 + int(rand() * ( $gMaxWireCount - 1 ))] 
set listOfWires [SelectWires $numberOfWires] 
set gCorrectWire [lindex $listOfWires [expr int( rand() * $numberOfWires )]] 
set wireListAsEnglish [MakeEnglishList $listOfWires] 
set wireCountAsEnglish [lindex $gNumberNames $numberOfWires] 
IRCAction $theChannel "stuffs the bomb into $gTimebombTarget's $PlaceBombMessage. The display reads \[4\002$timerDuration\002\] seconds." 
if { $numberOfWires == 1 } { 
IRCPrivMSG $theChannel "\4,1:::5:0 INCOMING!: Bomb has been planted!!! You have4 $timerDuration seconds0 to defuse the Bomb! Engine: \002\00309$theNick \002\00300use 'colour' to cut the wire. Try to cut the correct wire. There is $wireCountAsEnglish wire. $wireListAsEnglish.:\. 5:5:4,1::" 
} else { 
IRCPrivMSG $theChannel "\4,1:::5:0 INCOMING!: Bomb has been planted!!! You have4 $timerDuration seconds0 to defuse the Bomb! Engine: \002\00309$theNick \002\00300use 'colour' to cut the wire. Try to cut the correct wire. There are $wireCountAsEnglish wires. $wireListAsEnglish.:\. 5:5:4,1::" 
set gTimebombActive 1 
set gTimerId [utimer $timerDuration "DetonateTimebomb 0 {\124,1:::5:0 *BOOM* Fear. Go to die noob!}"] 

# Eggdrop command binds 

proc doCutWire {nick uhost hand chan arg} { 
global gTimebombActive gCorrectWire gTimebombTarget 
if { $gTimebombActive == 1 } { 
if { [string tolower $nick] == [string tolower $gTimebombTarget] } { 
if { [llength $arg] == 1 } { 
if { [string tolower $arg] == [string tolower $gCorrectWire] } { 
DiffuseTimebomb $gCorrectWire 
} else { 
DetonateTimebomb 1 "\124,1:::5:0 snip...*BOOM!*" 

proc doTimebomb {nick uhost hand chan arg} { 

global botnick gStarter gOwner gBot gIdleTime gTimebombActive gAllowBotKickSelf gIdleOn gPlaceBombMessage 
#set gStarter $nick 
set theNick $nick 
if { [lindex [split $arg] 0] != "" } { 
set theNick [lindex [split $arg] 0] 
if { ![onchan $theNick $chan] } { 
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$theNick is not here maybe he has been blown up!" 
if { $gAllowBotKickSelf == 1} { 
if { $gTimebombActive == 0 } { 
if { ![rand 25] } { 
IRCKick $botnick $chan "Blew himself up Arming the bomb" 
if { $gIdleOn == 1} { 
if { [getchanidle $theNick $chan] > $gIdleTime && $theNick != $nick} { 
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :124,1:::5:0 $theNick is Away. Choose another victim!124,1:::5:0 " 
if { [string tolower $theNick] == [string tolower $botnick] || [string tolower $theNick] == [string tolower $gOwner] || [string tolower $theNick] == [string tolower $gBot] } { 
set theNick $nick 
StartTimeBomb $theNick $theNick $chan 
if { [validuser $theNick] == 1 } { 
if { [matchattr $theNick "+b"] == 1 } { 
set theNick $nick 
IRCKick $theNick $chan "124,1:::5:0 You should not attack the bots!124,1:::5:0 "  
StartTimeBomb $nick $theNick $chan 


note "timebomb $gTheScriptVersion: loaded";
Last edited by groofy on Thu Oct 19, 2006 10:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Alchera »

goofy: edit your post using code tags and correcting the colour codes.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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