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Random Number Text

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Random Number Text

Post by kris »

it sets it, and does most of it but it doesnt reply to the number, any ideas?

Thanks for your help guys :)

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bind pub "-|-" `numbers msg_number 
proc msg_number { nick host hand chan text } {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\00307\002\037(\037\002\00304$nick has started The Number Guessing Game.\00307\037\002)"
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\00307\002\037(\037\002\00304The Number Range is From:\002 1 \002To:\002 50 \002\00307\037\002)"
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\00307\002\037(\037\002\00304To Guess What Number Type: `guess (Number)\002\00307\037\002)"
set number {
bind pub "-|-" `guess msg_guess
proc msg_guess { nick chan host handle text number } {
if {$number = $text} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :Congragulations, $nick, You Have Won!" }
if {$number != $text} {
if {$number > $text} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :This Is Bigger than the correct Number" }
if {$number < $text} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :This is Smaller than the correct Number" }
} else {
KrisDC Eggdrop Services - 2006
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Post by rosc2112 »

You could use rand to create the random number, I don't see anything in your script that actually selects any of the numbers from the $number list.

set number [rand 50]

(Hmm does rand ever select 0 as a number? Never checked on that..)

Then do the tests like:

if {$text == $number} {#exact match}
elseif {$text < $number} {# higher than}
elseif {$text > $number} {# greater than}
else {# not even in the ballpark}

I'd also do a
if {(![string is integer -strict $text]) || ($text < 0) || ($text > 50)} {
# tell the user the guess has to be a NUMBER between 1 and 50

Also, you do not provide any default/fallback error message, so of course it's just doing "return" and not saying anything cos it never matches because "1" is not the same as 1
{$text == "\"1\""}
would match IF the user typed
guess "1"

I'd put a default message in there after the else, at least something like
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :Nope, no number matched.."
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