So, I don't know anything about TCL scripting...I tried to see some guides but for me it's like Arabic...
I've this IRC script:
Code: Select all
on *:text:!add*:#chan:{
if ($nick == JoKeR) && ($2 != $null) set %access $addtok(%access,$2,32)
{ msg #lab 14[4Security14] 7 $2 2Succefully Added! }
on *:join:#chan:{
{ msg #lab 14[4Security14] 2Searching for your UserName... }
if ($istok(%access,$nick,32) == $false) {
mode $chan +b $address($nick,1) | msg #lab 14[4Security14] 2Access not allowed for 7 $nick 2! | kick $chan $nick Access not allowed! Info: JoKeR }
if ($istok(%access,$nick,32) != $false) { msg #lab 14[4Security14] 2Access Allowed for 7 $nick ! }
1) More users can add user to the access list (ex User1, User2, User3)
2) I would use the same TCL for more channel (ex Chan1, Chan2, Chan3)
3) I don't want to ban users that aren't on the access list, but i want to sapart them, or, if it's impossible, to set a timed ban
4) Add a !del command that leave the nick from the access list
If you could do it, please also explane me how the script is maked, so next time i would try by myself.
Thx (Sorry I don't know if my English is correct, I'm from Rome!)