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Very extended ranking script

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Very extended ranking script

Post by zielik »

I need a script which would give my channel a ranking of youtube videos.
I want it to have cmds like:

Code: Select all

!top - gives top 100 videos
!week - top week videos
!month - top month videos
!add link description - every user can add a link including only
!vote #number grate (1-10) - voting on a video number #xxx , marks from 1 to 10

del #num - cmd available only for owner on msg to bot, it deletes video number #xxx
Each video must have it's own unique #number.

When saying !top bot should give this txt:
place. #number link - desc


1. #623 - ABBA
34. #56 - Krzysztof Kononowicz

Becouse my bot is on quakenet network I'd want him to check peoples Q auths. Every auth can vote on each video once per month.
After every week - !week rating will be cleared and similar after each month.

I hope there will be a daredevil who will help me :).
Thank You.
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Post by demond »

nobody will do that for free, you have to pay; and given you happen to be a qneter, you should be required to pay double
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>

Code: Select all

 tag when posting logs, code
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