my aim is not to do anything on main of channel it shuold accept all hidden whether its in PVT of BOt or DCC my aim is the BOT accept my request hidden i hope u understand
& if nick is added in shitlist someone join by other nick & chnaged to the shitlisted nick BOT shuold auto kick him out
And what is the difference between a "shitlist" and a "banlist" ? There are a lot of "banlist" scripts already in the archive, I'm sure one of them will suit your purpose and maybe with some minor modifications you can call it a "shitlist" instead of a "banlist"
Only different behaviour to banlist that I can think of, would be something like the "k" userflag.
Tho only difference there would be that you can use different hostmasks for matching from the one used to actually ban (tho I really don't see any good reason for that)..
So, to repeat rosc's question;
What is it that you need from your "shitlist"-script that is so fundamentally different from eggdrop's internal banlists?
(banlists allow you to specify why someone is to be kicked, ban can be channel-speciffic or global, banmask can be roughly anything such as "nick!*@*" or "*!ident@host", bans can be time-limited or permanent, bans can be dynamically set when needed or permanent (.stick))
All you've requested is something to make your bot kick/ban ppl based on either nickname or hostmask; and with a speciffic kick-reason. This is exactly what eggdrop's builtin banlist system does (and much more, if you want it to).
So unless you can point out exactly what you need that is not available in eggdrop's builtin banlist system, I'm afrain you most likely won't get much more help on this
Thanhas wrote:i wish someone make for me kinda TCL i Request the link u gave is already done for search i hope i will be helped
Instead, just learn the tcl script language and start helping yourself. These incessant requests for *simple* stuff are getting annoying, and you'll just end up being ignored. No one's going to help you if you refuse to even learn the basics (like your incessant demands for how to fix that other script when you could have simply LOOKED at the script and seen where to change the chanserv name.)
i still wish i will be not ignored i really can't read anything about this Scrpting as much as i read i get more confuse maybe i read the scripting from wrong place or maybe something else? if i could make one Script i would neverever join here for help but now i can't challange my self if its not going to be Learned by me...
Thanhas wrote:Thanks for Reply but i need kinda TCL which i have Mentioned ..
I hope will be helped the +ban system i know all
but i need something like Shitlist with giving reason With kick
/msg botnick addshitlist Nick/host #channe;
.chanset #channel Addshitlist nick/host
something like this commands shuold be accepted.
also deleting back Please Help me with thanks
If you use a proper public/private commands script, you can have access to a command which will allow you to add bans via msg (which will be added to the bot's internal banlist). Such scripts are plenty in the Tcl Archive (I've written one myself).