hello, i was wondering if anyone had a nice multi stream shoutcast script. i need it to be a bot for multiple streams. obviously. i already searched the forums and the tcl archive, so please dont say "do a search" or something unless you have a link for me incase i missed it. please help!
well i need the bot to connect to multiple streams, and broadcast the info in my irc chan. i need al lthe basic commands: @stream @bitrate @onair @offair @listeners @commands
id like it set up for when some one does @stream1 it shows stream one and so on, i need it to handle 3 seperate streams. and i need it set up so whoever does @onair, it sets them as dj. but they are the only person who can @offair to get them off. i also need it so if someone is already onair. and someone else wants to dj they type @onair and it puts them in a qeue, sort of like a get in line. so when the person does @offair the next person can only do @onair. i would gladly pay in money for someone who can code me this script or give me on like this.i also need it so if there are no dj's in queue when someone @offair, it will change the dj to AutoDJ as my station does have an auto dj playing 24\7. i already have a kick source script so that doesnt need to be incorperated. like i said id gladly pay for this script! if someone is kind enough to answer me and help me out, please contact me via AIM: itsdecks
or email: bdecker@ca.rr.com