I've been trying to get this script working with eggdrop for awhile... and, i really have no idea why it doesn't. I'm not gonna go thru all the things i've tried, i'm just wondering is there anyone with some spare time that can get this working (and give me some quick tips as to how, or at least tell me that its possible)? I know that it is possible, because i've seen a few working, its just beyond me how to get it working...
I apologize, but neodave has stopped working on it, and, its kind of depressing when the last post was a month ago. Just thought that maybe someone here could help me out.
The url for the script is not responding now (connection refused.) Might be a temporary error, might be the author pulled the site down.. Perhaps post the code here (if it's not too large) or put it on a website of your own where we can get it to look it over.