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Looking for a script or module to create custom commands

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Post by pavel_kbc »

<ra1nb0w> [02:01] Tcl error [del:command]: missing "
<ra1nb0w> [02:01] Tcl error [del:command]: missing "

i fixed.

proc del:command {n u h c a} {
global allcommands
set cmd [string tolower [lindex [split $a] 0]]
if {![catch {unbind pub - $cmd added:$cmd}]} {
if {[set i [lsearch $allcommands -exact $cmd]] != -1} {
set allcommands [lreplace $allcommands $i $i]
puthelp "notice $n :Successfully remove \002$cmd\002 PUB command."
} {
puthelp "notice $n :Command \002$cmd\002 does not exist."
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Post by pavel_kbc »

when i type : <r00t-fck> !delcommand !testing
its show me error on partyline:
<ra1nb0w> [02:06] Tcl error [del:command]: bad option "! !testing": must be -all, -ascii, -decreasing, -dictionary, -exact, -glob, -increasing, -inline, -integer, -not, -real, -regexp, -sorted, or -start
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Post by Sir_Fz »

I've edited the code, these errors shouldn't occur anymore.

I wonder why nobody reported this before, they request and don't use? :lol:
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Post by pavel_kbc »

what about this one ?

<ra1nb0w> [02:06] Tcl error [del:command]: bad option "! !testing": must be -all, -ascii, -decreasing, -dictionary, -exact, -glob, -increasing, -inline, -integer, -not, -real, -regexp, -sorted, or -start
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Post by Sir_Fz »

I already fixed that. The bug was in using the [lsearch] command, instead of using [lsearch <switch> <list> <element>] I was using [lsearch <list> <switch> <element>] which obviously is fixed in the code edit. Replace your old code with the new edited code and rehash your Eggdrop.
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Post by pavel_kbc »

Sir_Fz, can you please edit for me?

like this :)
<x-r00t-x> !addcommand !cmds notice %nick testing
-lord- Added add:!cmds command.
<x-r00t-x> !cmds x-r00t-x
-lord- testing

i mean i want to set command like "notice , privmsg, etc"
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Post by piggy »

Sir_Fz: A couple of questions to this tcl code.

First Question

Is it possible to make it that you can either state the nickname you want the command to be issued for, or if no nickname is stated then it will do the command for the nickname that issued the command.


<nickname> !beer MrX
* bot brings MrX a nice cold beer


(nickname) !beer
*bot brings (nickname) a nice cold beer

Second question:

Is there any chance of making it that you can add a command that makes the bot select a diffrent item from a list of items and a diffrent action for the responses each time the comand is issued?

Example of the command that would be set:

(owner) !addcommand !beer (pulls out (a fine|an excellent|an excquisite|a tasty|a nicely refined) | pours a (pint|litre|quart) of (Guinness|Amstel|Castle|Jever|Yuengling Lager|Black Label|Piraat|Franziskaner Hefeweizen) for

(nickname) !beer
*bot pulls out an excellent litre of Yuengling Lager for (nickname)

next time the command is issued it responds diffrently.

(nickname) !beer MrX
*bot pours a pint of Guinness for MrX

Third Question

Is it possible to make it that you can add a command that is 2 words?


(owner) !addcommand !beer me

(nickname) !beer me
*bot pours a quart of Amstel for (nickname)

If this is asking for to much just tell me, i just thought it would be nice to add abit more functionalty to this tcl, make the bot have diffrent responses for the same command :)

Thanks for any help you can give on this :oops:
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Post by Sir_Fz »

I will get back to this when I have more time (i.e. When the semester finishes and when the bullshit happening in the country comes to rest).
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Post by atreides »

I'm finding that your script stopped working after awhile. I tried restarting the eggdrop and it doesnt respond to !addcommand anymore. It worked fine but i tried to delete binds. Then, i set a new .txt file to add information to but this isnt working.
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